A care in the world.

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    2D looked down at the razor blade in his long pale fingers, it's shine menacingly tempting.
    Would they even have a care in the world if their precious singer was gone?  Would they miss his toothless smile and his bright spiky blue hair... or would they simply not care?
   These thoughts made 2D's eyes sting as the edges began to prick with tears, he tries to wipe them away , sobbing as he gently began to slide the cold blade across his wrists pale skin.
    He watches blood slowly trickle down his arms in satisfaction, he could feel the pressure already leaving his body.
The sadness, anger and frustration felt no more as the deep cuts in his arms burned, distracting his mind of the abuse from Murdoc, and his addiction to alcohol and pills.

Murdoc had his body stretched over the sofa in the living room, a pout plastered on his face as he chugged half his bottle of whiskey down in a matter of seconds.
His mind filled with a drunken haze and he stumbled off the couch getting up heading directly to 2D's room to let out his frustrations on the boy. Half-way down the hall he was already pulling up his sleeves to reveal his strong arms before pounding his knuckles on the door "oi! Face-Ache! Open up is' Muhdoc!"
no response, Murdoc began to tap his feet immediately as impatience made his blood boil.
"2D! Open the fuggin' door!"
He slams his shoulder into the door, the dull pain not even phasing his drunken self.
2D began to shake all over, his body trembling as he imagines the possible horror he would have to go through after he opens the door to confront Murdoc.
So, he decides against it. Letting Murdoc scream and bang the door as he would continue making thin gashes across his wrists. With every cut, his pain faded away... he felt so relieved and calm, he wanted this to last forever...
The bassist smashed through his door, about ready to punch the pale lanky boy before focusing his drunken eyes on the bloody mess that was 2D. They widened and he yells out
"2D wha' the fuck! Wha' are you doin' mate?!"
2D's head shot up, his dark sad eyes meeting Murdoc's own.
The look sent a cold shiver down Murdoc's spine and he stumbled towards 2D, 2D would raise his bloodied arms above his head ready for the impact of Murdoc's hand.
"P-please Mudz! D-don't urt' me!"
Murdoc frowns deeply, guilt beginning to play it's course as he realizes how much he had damaged the frail boy.
2D continues to whimper, his wrists gushing blood over himself and his beds covers.
Murdoc gently pushes 2D's arms down
"S-Stuart... mate please. I'm not gonna urt' you...."
2D's eyes met Murdoc's trying to focus but... his head began to spin, his blood loss finally began to affect him, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, slumping as he passes out.
Murdoc panics before he slaps his cheek. "Stuart! Oi mate! Wake up! Ey! Stuart!"
Noodle and Russ were in the basement playing video games, occupied before they heard Murdoc yelling.
Russ immediately shot up, yelling loudly as he stomped towards 2D's bedroom.
"Murdoc i swear if you beatin' on that poor boy I'm gonna kill your ass!"
He made it to the doorway before seeing Murdoc sobbing over 2D, he was in shock.
"W-what's going on...?!"
Murdoc shot him a worried glare
"Call the ospital' now!"
Russ stayed in place stuttering
"I-i.. he.."
Murdoc yells with a trembling voice
"RUSSEL! Call the fuggin' ambulance!!"
Russel finally snapped out of it and does as he is told, fumbling with his phone as he takes it out of his pocket quickly dialing the number.
Murdoc drunkenly holds 2D's wrists in attempt to slow the bleeding as he bit his lips in anxiety.
"Stu- please. Stay wit' us mate, we need ya'z.."

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