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Murdoc sat alongside Russel in the hospital's waiting room, Russ held a sniffling Noodle, her eyes brimmed with tears as she worried for her blue haired brother.
Russel swiped his thumb gently across her red cheeks and whispers with a comforting smile "Everything's gonna be alright Angel, I promise."
Murdoc heard this and couldn't help but to scoff slightly, wiping away his own tears that welled in his eyes. How does he know that everything will be okay?! He wasn't the one that saw how deep those cuts were, he wasn't the one who had his clothing drenched in his best friends blood.
Russel took notice of the look of frustration that spread across the goblins face and placed a warm hand on Murdoc's shoulder, with a soft smile he says "D is strong man. You know this, he'll be okay."
Murdoc looked down at the hospitals tiles on the floor, nodding as he tries to stay somewhat positive even in his drunken state.
2D groans softly as he awakens, slowly opening his eyes and immediately pulling them back shut as a bright fluorescent light shined brightly.
"M' i in eaven?'" 2D thought to himself before hearing the soft electrical buzz and the beeping machine around him. He immediately begins to cry as he knew this wasn't heaven, he was just in the bloody hospital, his salty wet tears slipped down his cheeks as he curses his current situation.
"No... no! I can't do this anymore... I'm too ti'ed."
He attempts to move his hands up to his cheeks to wipe at his falling tears, failing as a tight tug pulled at his wrists, he looks down seeing his bandaged arms in cuffs that were locked to the railing of the gurney.
"N-no! Please... please get me outta ere!'"
His chest begins to fall and rise quickly as a panic attack began to fill him, his heart rate accelerated causing one of the many machines around him to beep like mad. The shrill high pitch of it was enough to send his head into a spiraling migraine and his heart to pound faster as he gasped for air, he wished for his pain-killers, desperate for them.
After a straight three minutes of the loud beeping a nurse ran in turning off the machine and checking the others around him. She looks to him with gentle eyes, saying "Mr.Pot, your family? Is here to visit. Would you like them to come in?"
His mind began to race with hundreds of scenarios of what could happen.
Would Murdoc beat him? Would he be kicked from the band? What if they all resent him after this?! Would he be alone..?
The nurse awaiting his response softly touching his shoulder to get his attention "Stuart?"
He jumps slightly before quietly nodding, anxiety already coursing through his body.
The same nurse who was just with 2D walked out into the lobby before walking to Murdoc,Russel, and Noodle.
"You are here for Stuart Pots, right?"
Murdoc immediately stood
"is e' alright?" His eyes were filled with a small glint of hope as he waits for her answer.
"He is awake and in stable conditions sir, you are welcome to visit now."
The group of three stood and walked alongside the nurse as she guided them to 2D's room silently.
She opens the door and lets them step inside before gently closing it behind them to give them their privacy.
2D's heart raced, pounding against his rib cage in anxiety as his band members stepped in.
Noodle was the first to say anything as she jumped out of Russel's arms
She climbs onto the bed and hugs him lightly.
2D smiles even though he wasn't able to hug back. "Ello' angel. Ow' are you?"
She just smiles and giggles, still hugging at his chest.
Russel was next, sitting in a chair at his bedside and gently taking one of his hands into his own, 2D slowly began to feel more calm. But, as soon as the calm came it would already have passed.
Murdoc ruined the calm and peaceful moment , coming to the other side of 2D and whacking him upside the head.
He whined out in pain and flinched as Murdoc began to yell "what the bloody el' was you thinkin'?!" Russel leans over the bed and puts his hand over the satanists mouth which he would slap away.
2D began to sob
"I-I'm ti'ad mudz.... I'm ti'ad of bein' urt' all the time. You beat me when ya' drunk and I drown it all out with ma' pills. Im not appy', I'm exhausted, done wit' it all... I can't andle' it anymoe'."
Murdoc froze, he was the reason... that his singer tried to off himself. He was the reason he flinched every time someone close to him would move. He was the reason that he had no eyes and needed those damned meds. Finally, the guilt from every insult and hit he took out on 2D hit like a brick.
Murdoc began to tear up, letting out a single soft sob as he bent down to 2D to hug him. "I-I'm so sorry Stu... i-i..."
All 2D could do was smile, that's all he ever wanted to see... emotion from Murdoc, he know knew he had a heart. And he was even more pleased with the apology.
"Mudz. Is' okay. I fogive' you."
And that was the start of when everything began to change.

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