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After a few weeks of therapy in the hospital his mental health was better than it had been in a long time and his scars were healing up nicely. 2D was finally stable enough to be released back to his band members... his family.
He was greeted warmly by them all, hugs and cheerful chatter, the smell of old cigarettes, alcohol and sweets comforting him in his return. He spent the rest of the night with them all held close, dozing off as they watched his favorite zombie flic. Russ picks him up to take him to his bedroom that the band cleaned before he got home, changing the bloodied sheets and comforter, did his laundry and hid any sharp objects and his collection of pain meds.
They all followed as Russ picked up 2D and lied him in bed gently. They all were happy to have their clumsy blue haired band member back, even if Murdoc was too cocky to admit it.
2D awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs, a smile now spreading across his features. He hopped out of bed quickly causing his head to split with a dull painful ache that sent him back onto his bed.
"O-ow... agh. Me ead' "
He looks across his nightstand where he had left his pain killers at before his... attempt.
He squinted his dark eyes, to make sure he was seeing right. There was no bright orange bottle with a white cap on his nightstand and he teared up.
"They... probably id' him from me.... I'll jus' ave' to ask for some.." he thought.
He stumbled off the bed into the kitchen where Russ stood at the counter preparing food, Noodle sat on the kitchen table messing around with a plush octopus.
He walks to her and ruffles her hair causing her to giggle and hang off his arm for a moment before he tickled her off so he could brew up some hot peppermint tea.
Russ watched in amusement, belly laughing, almost burning the eggs.
2D giggled softly, not wanting to ruin the moment he didn't ask about his meds, so instead he decided to go and bid Murdoc his good morning as he waited for the water for his tea to come to a boil.
Murdoc had his head lied back against his beds headboard, taking long drags off his cigarette and watching the smoke curl in the air as he thought about what he would do to get better with Stuart, after 2D's attempt it really brought things to perspective.
2D gently knocked on the winnebagos door, fidgeting with his fingers as he waited for Him.
Murdoc rolls off the bed to look out the window, seeing none other than the lanky blue haired boy himself. He smirks slightly and opens the door
"Ey' faceache. Ow' are ya feeling mate?"
2D smiles "I'm doin' good other than a migraine, and not bein' able to find the meds for it."
He rubs his temples.
Murdoc frowns slightly, knowing damned well where they were as he was the one Russ trusted to hide them.
"Uh... why dontcha' come in mate?" He said scratching his head as He moves out of the way to open the door wider.
2D smiles and makes his way inside, holding at his head as he sits gently on the bed. Murdoc thinks for a moment before saying "i- ah'... got some pain-killers ya' can take."
he opens a cupboard and shields it so 2D was unable to see the many bottles of meds they had taken from his bedroom. He grabs one, opening it and shaking out two pills before handing them to the singer and locking the cupboard back up.
2D took them gratefully and swallowed them down dry causing Murdoc to wince slightly as he imagined how it felt pushing past his throat.
Murdoc soon recovers and looks to Stu asking
"Ah' the others up yet?"
"Yah, Russ is makin' brea'fast and Noodle is playin'."
He nods signaling he heard him as he would grab a pack of smokes off his bedside shelf, taking out two and offering one to 2D. The singer accepts it and places it in-between his thin lips, Murdoc would light it for him before lighting his own.
They sat in a comfortable silence as they took drags off their cigarettes. After they had both thrown out the orange butts from the end of the smokes they walked side by side back into the kitchen where Russ would be plating the last egg.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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