Chapter 59

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That bitch bit me!- I said

Okay, Ma'am. Calm down- The officer said

Eww, she had braces?- Anthony asked

I guess- I said

Would you like a bandage?- The officer asked

No I'm good. Just please get her out of my party n the rest of the mf that was wit her- I said

Okay, Ma'am- The officer said

I went upstairs wit everyone else n went in the bathroom

You good babe?- Santo asked

Yeah, I'm perfectly fine- I said

You need some ice for them knuckles, YN?- Kalithe asked

If you don't mind?- I asked

Can you move your hands?- Ja'Nae asked wiping my arms

Yeah, thanks- I said

No problem, you know I got chu- Ja'Nae said

I hugged her- Been bodyin mfs since '08 you good, sis?- Kenzo asked

Yeah- I said

Here you go, YN- Kalithe said

Thanks- I said taking it

I ain't know you had it in you YN, you had like 3 mfs at once!- Day Day said

How would you know? You wasn't fighting nigga?- I asked

I was, I peeped you tho- Day Day said

Ight, though I was gonna have to fuck you up- I said

You ain't fuckin no one else up- Anthony said- Sit ya lil ass down

Everyone laughed- You know dad saw you?

Holy shit- I put my head on his chest

You not in trouble, I got chu- Anthony said

Where are my bad ass kids at?- I heard my dad yelling

Everyone pointed in the bathroom n to me n Anthony

Really y'all?- I asked

Everyone turned- They gave y'all up quick- August laughed

Hell yeah- Anthony said

Clear out- Santo said walking pushing everyone out the bathroom

Y'all go, you stay- August said

Me?- Santo asked

Yeah, you too Nay Nay- August said

Awh shit- Nay said

Kenzo!- August yelled

Kenzo came in the bathroom n closed the door

Y'all good?- August asked

Yes- Anthony sighed

Yeah- Santo said

Yup!- Nay said

That bitch messed my hair up- I said looking back in the mirror

They all laughed- You really need help

She did!- I said

You do- Anthony said

Now. Wtf is wrong wit y'all? Hol' up, who planned the party?- Aug asked

It wasn't much to plan- Santo said

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