Airport Delema

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  It's about noon now and my mom and Hanna are grabbing our luggage for us. We're checking in and getting everything situated. Oh but of course the bitch has to say "Your flight has been delayed a few hours due to the rain"

  Fucking. Cunt. Garett almost made a sence, and I don't blame him because it was hardly drizzling. I mean c'mom it's Oregon for christ stakes! It always rains.

   We decided to eat lunch with my mom and Hanna before we went through security. Trinity's parents, along with Garetts showed up to say goodbye. We all said goodbye to our parents but now it was time to leave Hanna.

  We were all close to tear, some more than others, cough garett cough cough. Garett picked up my crying sister and told her he loves her and will see her soon, he said he had to pee after that but we all knew he was just avoiding the situation. Trinity went next and they hugges for awhile and exchanged their 'i love yous'

Now it was my turn. My turn to say goodbye to be baby sister. It was probably the hardest goodbye I ever have said. I kissed her on the forhead and told her to take care of everyone and to call me once a day, or as much as ahe wanted really. She was crying as well as I was. I let go of her hand i told her "I love you more than anything Hanna. Ill call you when I land".

We said goodbye to everyone one last time and i hugged my mommy, yes mommy for about ten minutes. Trinity peeled me off of her and we walked off into security.

Of course Garett makes the fucking beeper go off with his pocket knife and almost cusses the guy out. Thank god for Trinity and I or Garett would be walking to New York.

  We get passed security and have about three hourse to kill, would have been four if Garett wouldn't have made a scene about everything possible. Bitchy much?

  We find our gate, 11. Trin and I leave Garett to find food, though we had just ate. Yay there was a Subway in the airport, my favorite.

  After we finished we it was about 4:30 and we walked back to our gate. Garett was laying next to our luggage asleep with his huge headphones on so loud i heard the song Saterina by Sublime playing, which was then stuck in my head.

  We sat there for awhile making fun of Garett's snoring than the flight attends starting calling rows to board.

"Thank god" i hear Trinity mumble under her breathe.

They called our row, H, so we board. Trinity had the middle seat, which for some reason was her favorite. We of course gave Garett the isle seat. So that means I got the window seat, yippi!

  It was about 5:30 so we wouldn't be landing until about 11:30 pm in New York. Garett was passed out in mintues and Trin was watching Mall rats on her tablet. So i layed my head on her shoulder and fell asleep within ten minutes. 

Authors note:
This was vv boring and im sorry but im really excited about the next chapter, it may take awhile to figure out though. ily guys c:

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