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Hello welcome to book 2! I enjoyed writing the first book lets see how this book will turn out to be! If you haven't read the first book than this one won't make any sense. So run along and read the first one if not read.

If you have read the first book...

Then welcome on the journey!

And enjoy!


??? POV:

Run run run.... And don't look back.

This is what was what I had instructed while we were running from the Snatchers. Spells were being fired. Everyone in the group including me could tell the other was tired, and was ready for rest to come. But all of this was enough.

"You all have to keep running! Ill keep them distracted! GO!" I command.

My mate looks back at me and yells.

"I almost lost you last year! I'm not ready to lose you again!" My fearful mate yells back at me.

I look at one to my friends I trust my mate with. He was running behind his own mate trying to protect him.

"******  I trust you with my mate! Keep him safe ill try to distract them." I yell at him

"We aren't leaving with out you damit!" ****** yells at me!

"You know bloody well I'm the only one that can stop them! Just keep ***** safe! Ill be fine!" I yell at my best mate.

"***** you better bloody promise you will come back to us in one peace!" He yells back at me.

"I promise ******! Just promise to keep ***** safe!" I yell at him again.

I look back to see the Snatchers still running at our heels. I met another spell before hearing ****** saying his promises back when we were close enough.


Once the other five are out if sight I turn to another form and turn around to fight the many of them.

You all might be wondering what  is happening and for who I am...

Well for one...

Me and my friends are running from snatchers after the visit to Luna's father.

And for who I am...


My name is

Draco Malfoy...

What am I doing.

You'll see soon.

Words: 359

The Life Giver #2Where stories live. Discover now