What's Your Story?

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Prologue: What's Your Story?

Being perfect is a curse.

That's what [Name] always thought. Just because she studied harder than others and didn't complain about it doesn't mean she likes doing it.

Just because she took care of herself pretty well doesn't mean she's beautiful.

Was it because of her looks? Maybe, but that didn't matter to her.

Why would they even call her perfect? She definitely had her own fair share of mistakes, But did they see them? No.

Her parents had always gone off to last minute business trips that lasted for months, she rarely sees them. They told her that this is for the best, this is for her future, so she never complained.

In school, students would trail at her back like the lost puppies they were. Did she mind them? No, she couldn't care less. She'd only interact with students if necessary.

But what shocked everyone the most was that she's kind to every student when needed. She had to because she's the Student Council's President.

Her duty is to guide every single student (Above or below) her with pure kindness. She's the perfect leader any student could ever ask for. So what went wrong?


Absolutely nothing.

She just felt empty.

Alone, and afraid.

How ironic. She's surrounded by hundreds of students at her service, and yet she feels
alone- a void that is waiting to be filled by someone or something.

[Name] wanted someone, someone who she can lean on, a person who she can trust and cherish. Is that too much to ask?

Not really- but if you count an acquaintance as a friend then kinda.

Fang, She's knows him from middle school, they rarely talk, but at least they have a normal conversation whenever they talk.

This must be her faith.

Does she want a friend, or a lover?

No, not a lover.

Tons of students confess to her every single day, what could they possibly want from her? Her looks? Her money? Her love?

She had to reject all of them, because they were fake. It's the look in their eyes for her.

Because if you really love someone, you'll have to love them for who they are, and not for what they are. Couldn't they understand that?

No, they could never understand something so simple.


He admired you from afar.

Don't get boboiboy wrong. He didn't like you for your looks or anything, Well- you're really beautiful, and he's willing to admit that everyday.

You could say that he liked you for being that independent girl who ruled the school with such grace and kindness.

Heck- he liked you even back in middle school.
He really couldn't help it, call him hopelessly inlove with you or whatever, he didn't care.

It was Your Smile. He loves seeing it with all of his heart.

God, how he loves your smile too much. And that's because he only saw it one time. It was a time where you were reading a book in the library, the sun was about to set, which made your features bloom. Darn, his heart may have skipped a few beats at that moment..

He likes- nevermind. He loves you for who you are, and if only you could see that. But you could, because it's hard with all these obstacles in the way.

He's sorta whipped for you, but you didn't have to know that, at least not now.

His friends kept teasing him about his major crush on you- though if they say he's deeply inlove with you, they might have to call an ambulance, you know..Just in case.

Yaya and ying are supportive, those two definitely ship you and him, without you knowing. Gopal is his wingman, he's there to hype him up whenever you're near, while fang just stands there, shaking his head in disapproval. But don't worry, he ships you and boboiboy too.

But it's impossible for boboiboy to make a move, not when students are always trailing behind you. Not when they glare at him for getting a chance to be close to you.

Why the heck would they let him? He's just a normal boy. There's nothing special about him, Nothing.

..That's right, he's just an ordinary student there trying to survive school and get a nice life and help his Grandad with his Kokotiam.

They'd push him away and bully him at times, but of course, ying, yaya, gopal won't let them hurt him. Fang is just there to verbally abuse someone who dares even laying a finger on one of his friends.

They've got eachother's backs.

That's what You admired from them. You liked how they'd be there for eachother, but you didn't show that you were interested, so you ignored it and continued with your life.

Now all it takes is a little push to make your and his paths cross, without any other students ruining it.

He wants you to know that he's there for you. He just wants you to notice that he's been there for you from the very start.


"𝙸'𝚖 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎..."
"𝙸 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠."

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