Let's begin, shall we?

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Chapter 4: Let's begin, shall we?

"Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em—"

"Gopal, NO!"

Nyle cackled with laughter from their reactions. They were priceless. Ying and yaya scolding gopal for his choice of words at such a serious time, fang scanning the papers nyle handed him, and then there's boboiboy... malfunctioning in a distance.

Fang fought down a sigh "Why us exactly?"

Nyle shrugged, "I may or may not have recommended you and your friends," fang shot him a glare, causing nyle to flinch but then motioned for him to continue. "..And she actually said yes!, can you believe that?!" He whisper-yelled.

"And you expect us to accept this?" Nyle bobs his head furiously, like a cute puppy wanting a treat from its good deed. Fang rolled his eyes, seeing that nyle was already using his puppy eyes on him.

"Stop. That looks gross."

"Okay,okay.. so that means you accept our invitation..?"

Fang turned to boboiboy, who was still malfunctioning for who knows how long, he's not even sure if that boy is still breathing.

"Don't make me repeat myself."

Nyle gasped, eyes sparkling. "YEY!!" He then bid his farewell and skipped back to where he came from.

Gopal, ying, and yaya silently cheered. Gopal was the first one to notice that his Bestfriend was about to faint. "Oh my god it's happening– boboiboy stay calm!" Within a split second he had already appeared infront of him, shaking his shoulders uncontrollably while shouting like a lunatic would.


Boboiboy was now seeing stars. He's definitely going to pass out.

"Let him go gopal!"


"These forms say that after school we will head to the student council's office. Take an interview. Then get accepted. Simple, right?" Fang looks at his friends, shooting a short glare to gopal who chuckled rather nervously under his friend's gaze.

Yaya clasps her hands together, smiling fondly.
"I see, well then.. let's do our very best!" Ying fist bumped the air with determination.


They turned their attentions to boboiboy who wore the most brightest smile that anyone could witness. He was like their sun.

"Thank you."

An arrow went straight through their hearts. The three were saying that it's no problem and that they were just doing what friends do for eachother, though fang was being a little ***** about it, rolling his eyes at him, not noticing the small smile on his face.

"Come on you guys, just two more classes then we're on our way!"


Infront of the student council's door, all of them stood there, frozen. Nyle tried not to laugh because they look like statues, so he pushed the door open and pushed them inside along with himself then closed it with a smile.

"Here they are, [Name]!" Their eyes widened at the room design, it was something they have not seen before. And of course, no student has ever seen this too, with an exception for you and nyle.

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