Suddenly a table appeared before Bobbys eyes and a small steel tin of playing cards was dropped onto the tables surface.
"I believe since you've proved your intelligence that we should play a game."
"Okay jigsaw." Bobby joked and Abi stopped what she was doing and glared into his eyes then slowly her natural scowl stretched into a childish grin.
"Oh well I wasn't going for that vibe but I'll take it. Jigsaw I am." Abi chuckled and untied Bobby as she giggled at his joke.
"I believe ya wanted my name. Call me Abi. I'll the one you learn from." She cheerily skipped off and lead Bobby to a strange and eerie mansion with a single light shining through an attic window and a large, dark oak, door swung wide open. As the two walked through a long, brightly lit hallway Bobby saw different portraits of woman and men with common features to Abi. At the end Abi stopped and stepped aside so Bobby could enter a large well furnished room with multiple different strange machines and devices around and on the walls. A large king size bed with a giant satin silk duvet over it lay in the left corner of the room beside a stained glass window.
"This is the second biggest room I've got to talk in since the others are kinda full," Abis persona had changed from sadistic and creepy to being childish and care free.
' Was his joke that good?' He thought but then decided not to question his chance at a safe escape if stuff went wrong.Abi sat down on the giant bed and patted a spot for Bobby to rest his legs as well. He went and sat beside her but could feel that something bad was coming. It was only a hunch but something told him it was more than just a feeling.
"Now I left off explaining the species and told you what you most likely are." She pulled out a small container and took something out of it.
"Ya want some brownie? Made it myself." She gave a close eyed grin and offered Bobby a small square that was wrapped in clingfilm. He cautiously took it from her hand and unwrapped it. It seemed innocent enough: chocolate chunks and a gooey inside made Bobby hum in happiness at the sweet taste of the brownie and he ravenously finished off his piece. Abi ate hers at a normal pace and then licked her fingers.
"Now from where I left off. You are something of a hybrid I'd say from the diluted down features of an angel." She grabbed another brownie.
"Now to explain more that halo and those wings developing are a kind of sign of your species but that isn't always good." She took another bite of hers and offered him another for himself that he gladly took and ate.
"People still poach the species. Kinda funny that the Angel's and reapers got caught first. The third species was driven away and went extinct from lack of resources to live," She again seemed to twirl her hand and shadows swirled and stretched around her to create a mural in mid air of the tale she told.
"Now hybrids were killed as fast as they were born. You must've gotten lucky. Mostly human DNA would make you hard to identify but those features of yours give it away." The shadows then slithered to the bedside and stopped but made sure to allow for the story to be told with full detail.
"Now you could go about your life with no one but yourself and others of inhuman heritage seeing those features and just relaxing. Or you could come and train with me. Plenty of safety and knowledge in millennia old books about the supernatural and paranormal." Abi had her hand out like it was a deal and Bobby took it thinking protection and knowledge of his power was better than just not knowing anything important and hoping he never got found.
"I'll go with you and train with you. But I want protection for my sister as well. I think she's human and her status as my sister could put her in harms way right?" Abi nodded in understanding and then quickly walked out of the room.
"This can be your room for the night. You reek of alcohol and cigarettes. Bad parents maybe?" Abi stated through the doorway.
"Alright. And yeah not the nicest parents, I'll just rest here for now then, " Bobby got into bed not caring about sleeping in his day clothes and slowly dozed off excited for what he might learn.
Two of a kind
AdventureA entrusting and all round suspicious girl and an outgoing and boy with some questionable life choi es meet and find that they aren't all they seem. One has someone holding them back and the other has their past keeping an Ice cold.grip on their sho...