Hecate Has A Problem

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Yo. So I don't really no what to say here but...ah whatever. WARNING!  THIS WILL MOST LIKELY SUCK!! Ok, Enjoy the story (I guess). Comment i you like it? Wow, I'm good at this (Note the sarcasm).  On to the story we go! (Yay?)

Percy POV (You thought I was starting with someone else? Pffft)

It was peaceful at Camp Half-Blood. Or, at least as peaceful as a camp for warriors in training gets. Sure, there were screams here and there, and a the clang of sword in the background, but the wind was nice, and the temperature was pleasant.  Annabeth nudges me. "So, what's the next quest?" she jokes. "A terrible one... "I reply, dead serious. "I will have to" I pause for dramatic effect. "Pass the S.A.Ts!" I shout. Annabeth laughs. "Seaweed brain. You better!" She says. "I dunno..." I mutter, and Annabeth giggles again.  

     Suddenly, Alyssa Bine comes running towards us. "Chiron wants you in the big house," she says. We all groan and stand up. "No, only the seven," she adds (Yes people, Jason is alive. Oooh I love author powers! I can do whatever I want *rubs hands together* This is going to be fun) . Nico, Will, Thalia and Reyna sit back down. Everyone groans once again. What will we do without our favorite death boy, ex-praetor, ray of sunshine, and pinecone-face? Actually, take out the whole pinecone-face part. No one needs Thalia. 

      "C'mon," Hazel says finally. With on final groan, I get up and begin walking to the big house with the others. Chiron is already there when we arrive.  A  beautiful women walks in. "Demigods," the woman says. 

    "I am Hecate, goddess of magic," she pauses dramatically. "I have a quest for you," she was probably hoping for a surprised, delighted reaction, but all she got was (more) groans. Annoyance flits across her face briefly, before she continued on. Not the reaction you want to see on a Goddess's face.

     "You will travel to a school in England called Hogwarts," this was met with a few (ok a ton of) snorts. "This is a school for witchcraft and wizardry," for a normal person, shocking, for us...meh. Wizards, demigods...I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me the Loch Ness Monster was real. Wait...is it? I bet it is. Dam! (I know, that dam joke sucked but whatever *Eye Roll*) I wonder if that counts as a sea creature... would I be able to talk to it? Ooh, what about Bigfoot! I tune back in just as everyone is getting ready to leave. "wait!" Annabeth says. Everyone turns towards her. "When are we leaving?" leave it to my wise girl to remember to ask that. Hecate smile. "Tomorrow. Now get packing" and with a flash of light, she disappears

Time Skip


     Light streams through the cabin windows as I get up. I lie in bed for a minute longer, staring at the ceiling, before getting up. Lol. I wish. Instead, my morning went more like this. I was dreaming about blue cookies (NO DEMIGOD DREAM :D), when all the sudden, I was flying. Yep. I, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, not-exactly-friend-of-Zeus, was flying. Just as I started to freak out I land. One by one, the rest of the seven land next to me. "A little warning next time?" Shout a disgruntled, tired, Jason. Thunder rumbles and we roll our eyes. I scan our surroundings. We're on a small street, in what I guessed was London. Weird people dressed in robes bustled around, pulling young children along with them. "We need to find you Hogwarts thing," a women snaps at a young boy peering into the window of a broomstick shop. I grin. I guess these people really enjoy cleaning. "Guys, I got our school list!" Annabeth shouts, breaking my train on thought. She gives us the run through of the basics. At the bottom of the list she gasps. "And any pet sold at Scamander's Pets!" she smiles. "Let's go their first," Piper giggles. We walk into a store filled with all kind of normal and weird animals. "Whoa," I say. Everyone else is already off playing with animals. "Meet outside at twelve!" Annabeth yells. I take off, running around the store. A little brown and white blur catches my eye. I gasp as I pick it up.  It's a spartus, one that looks just like Small Bob. An elderly man smiles at me. "I see you've met Fish, our ah... little troublemaker," he says with a smile. I know I have to keep her now. "How much for her?" I ask cheerfully. "13 sickles," the man replies. Grinning, I hand over the money (I know, I skipped Gringotts, but I am the almighty author, so I can do that). He smiles and I check my watch. To my surprise, it's already 12:00. I rush outside. Everyone else is waiting.


Piper: Crup named Splitz

Leo: Phoenix named Whoopzie

Jason: Brick named Brick

Percy: Calico Kitten named Fish

Annabeth: Owl named Éxypnos (Greek for smart, pronounce it however you want)

Hazel: Griffin named Gem (I know, I know)

Frank: "I can turn into an animal, I don't want a pet"

After a few minutes of cooing over everyones pets (except for Jason's), Annabeth ushered us towards a shop called Olivanders's wands. The shop was dusty and old. It seemed empty. Suddenly, a man appeared from a musty doorway in the back. He had scary silver eyes. "I am Olivander" he greeted us. "You need wands?" we nodded, and he beckoned me forward.

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