-the gown-

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I started up at him in shock, we've never told each other the L word. But it was nice to hear it because i felt the same way.

"I love you too Draco, i'm so sorry that you have to g-"

He cut me off by kissing me softly, it was calm, warm. He pulled away slightly and looked down at me.

"I don't care if i'm some stupid death eater if it means i'm with you. I never want to be parted from you ever again Madyline, i couldn't handle you being gone forever. I wouldn't know who to live, how to act."

"i'm not leaving you Draco, ever."

"When this is all over, we can run away, and find somewhere to stay, a cabin, a beach house, an appartment, god just wherever if it mean i can be with you."

"Then that's what we will do...find a nice place on top of a hill, where it's nice and warm in the srping, cold and harsh in the winter. And we will be together till we take out last breathes."

"I like the sound of that." He smiled, as did i.

I loved this boy with all of my heart, he was broken just like me but one day we will run away together and live a happy life. Not worrying about anything except each other.

"Wait.." He said

"What is it?"

"Since Hermione calls you M, can i have a nickname for you?" He smirked.


"uh- too late, alright now..what name should i give you..."


"flower? no. mm...WAIT I KNOW.. it'll be something a adore. Blue."

"Blue? Really? What does that have to do anything with something you adore."

"You're eyes."

"Draco, that's so sweet."

"I know." He giggled.

"You cannot call me Blue though"

"Too bad what said is done."

I smack my hand on my forhead in dissaproval. This boy was something else. But i loved him for it.

"Come on."

"W-what? Where are we going i thought we were having a movie merathon.?"

He took out his wand and waved over both of us and i was dressed in black ripped jeans, and a dark green knitted sweather, and he was dressed in black jeans and a grey sweatshirt.

"We are going to meet everyone at the Three Broomsticks just to hang out, they haven't seen you in a month and i won't be greedy even though that's exactly what i want to do." He smirked.

"Alright let's go." I agreed.

Once we opened the doors of the tavern Harry stood up and left the group and came over to us and hugged me tightly as i did the same, i knew he missed me alot, and i wasn't going to push him away again, i mean we are kinda related but not really, not my blood we wern't. Siruis was just his godfather but that didn't make us related...well not in my eyes at least.

He led us over to a long table where Hermione, Ron, Ginny, the twins, Luna, Nevlive, Semus, Dean, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe And Goyle were. There were two seats left for me and Draco but one was next to Blaise on the end of the table, and then one in the fron next to Harry, I took the one next to Harry and Draoc went to sit next to Blaise.

We all ordered butterbeers and talked for hours on end.

"So are you exsited Madyline?" Nevile asked.

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