Dear d.,
Well since last time was cut short I guess I should tell you about myself especially if I'm going to vent to you though in the long hall it doesn't matter . I'm the oldest of 7 kids . I have 3 best friends and my dad and mom are getting their divorce finalized this month. Many people are like it must be hard . it sucks yea but they are happier apart maybe now he will not be so angry. You can only hope . I cut myself but isn't that what most "emo" kids do. Oh yea I'm not fuckin emo and I hate stereotypes. Anyway I got to clean and make dinner or dad will have a fit . I love ya . I'll write later d .
-C.a-----——-------------——---------------————-----—-my question today is : does your home life affect you ? Does your parent or guardian hurt you physically or emotionally ? How does your home life affect you ?
soon to be suicide
Randomthis is a true story . and it will trigger you most likely but I would really like you to read it. . because there are some questions and some answers that you should read .