2 Exploding Snap

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 Camilla and the rest of her friends made their way to the great hall for the sorting ceremony. Camilla sat down next to Mia who sat across from Asher. Camilla was a bit surprised when James sat next to her. Thomas eyed his friend in a disapproving manner, but he didn't say anything after Mia shot him a look.

After the sorting finished Professor McGonagall stood up and made all the food appear. The six Gryffindors started grabbing the food and putting it on their plates. They were all talking and joking around while eating their dinner.

"No, no, no, that's not what I'm saying. What I mean is that when Cinderella lost her shoe it wasn't realistic, because whose shoe that supposedly is 'the perfect fit' would fall off that easily!" Dominique argued with Thomas.

"It's a bloody fairytale, it's not supposed to be 'realistic' It's supposed to be," he paused. "Well, I don't know what it's supposed to be but not realistic that's for sure!" Thomas argued back.

"Honestly, you two argue like an old married couple," James grumbled.

"Shut up, Jamsykins!" Dominique snapped back.

"Don't call me that," James said in a warning tone. "You know I hate it when people call me that." They all laughed.

"Oh, but dear cousin, I truly do not care," she smirked at him.

"I don't know if you guys have noticed this during all your arguing, but the feast is over and people are starting to walk away," Camilla said.

"Shit! M, we have to escort the first years," Asher said quickly. He pulled on Mia's sleeve.

"Bye guys, see you later," Mia said. With that, she and Asher walked away and went over to some of the first years.

"Let's go, I wanna play Exploding Snap," Dominique said excitedly. She ran away pulling Thomas with her. Which just left James and Camilla.

"Come on," Camilla said to James. They walked next to each other on their way to the Gryffindor common room. Chatting lightly about nothing.

"James? Where are your glasses?" she asked, noticing he wasn't wearing his round glasses.

"In my trunk, I don't like wearing them much," he said casually.

"Why not? I think they suit you."

"I just don't like them," he shrugged. "Plus I am much better looking without them," he smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and smacked his arm lightly trying to hide the small smile on her lips.

"I don't know, if you know or not yet, but I'm the new quidditch captain this year," Camilla beamed proudly.

"Oh, yeah, Thomas told me," he smiled at her. "Congrats, you deserve it."

"Thanks," she gave him a small smile, blushing furiously, hoping he wouldn't notice, but of course he did. "So Jamsykins huh?" She said with a smirk.

"It's a name my Uncle George came up with when I was little, I've always hated it," he rolled his eyes.

"I quite like it. You know what? I'm going to start calling you that." She sniggered.

"Don't," he said laughing along with her. They reached the portrait of the fat lady.

"Password?" The painting asked.

"Er- oh right, Gillyweed," Camilla said. The painting flew open to reveal a whole leading to the Gryffindor common room. James and Camilla walked in together only to find their other four friends already playing Exploding Snap.

"Hey guys," Camilla and James said at the same time.

"Took you long enough, what were you doing snogging in the broom closet?" Dominique joked, Thomas glared at her.

"No, Dom we were not Snogging, just talking," Camilla shrugged. "I'll be right back, I want to grab my sketchbook." She went up to her dorm to grab her sketchbook, she saw her Polaroid camera (a gift she received from Mia last year) and grabbed that as well.

She walked back down and sat next to James on the floor. Pulling out her sketchbook to draw. She let her hand move however she wanted it to, and then she realized she was drawing James. She quickly started sketching the rest of her friends to make it seem like she was drawing a group photo. Why did I start drawing him? Why? She asked herself. She then decided she wanted to take a photo of them all playing the game. The night came to an end and they all fell asleep in the common room. During the night Camilla's head moved onto James's chest as his arm moved around her. Mia and Asher were cuddled on the couch. Dominique was sprawled out in front of the fireplace, and Thomas was asleep curled up in an armchair. They were all so peaceful and happy.

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