3 Herbology

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Camilla woke the next day only to find herself cuddled up with James on the floor. When she realized who she was cuddling with she sat up, her eyes widened and she looked over at the clock.

"Shit! Guys get up, get up!" she yelled at all her friends. They awoke with a start.

"What the hell Cam," Thomas groaned.

"Yeah, why the fuck are you yelling," Dominique said.

"Guys, get the hell up we have class in three minutes!" Camilla said. They all got up and started running around. They quickly slipped on their school robes, not even bothering to brush their hair, and ran out of the common room.

They got to class with about thirty seconds to spare. They all walked in and sat down, James sat down next to Camilla, Mia next to Asher, and Thomas next to Dominique. James leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"So, Cami, are we gonna talk about what happened last night?" he whispered. She glared at him.

"What do you mean?" she snapped.

"Oh, I don't know," he rolled his eyes. "The fact that we fell asleep in each other's arms last night, or have you already completely forgotten."

"No I didn't forget, but I would like to," she snapped.

Later that day the six Gryffindors headed to Herbolagy with Professor Longbottom. James and Camilla sat next to each other again because Neville had assigned them partners for the year.

Camilla tried her best to ignore James all day but it was difficult because throughout Herbolagy he kept on whispering over to her and asking questions.

"Cam, what did you get for question ten? I forgot to write it down," he whispered. Camilla said nothing in response but instead kept her eyes fixed on Professor Longbottom. "Cami," he whined. She glared at him. "Come on Cam, why are you mad at me, I did nothing wrong," he gave her puppy dog eyes and pushed out his bottom lip in a pout. 

"Shut the hell up I'm trying to listen," she ignored him again and focused on Professor Longbottom. James scoffed.

"Oh please, Cam you hate herbology," she sighed. "Oh I get it, you're pretending to be listening so you don't have to talk to me. Rude you are." She cleared her throat.

"James, when someone tells you to shut up, you should listen," she snapped.

"Oh come on Cami, just talk to me I'm bored," he leaned on his hand.

"James!" She snapped. "Just shut up will you I don't want to get in trouble," he frowned.

"Miss Wood and Mister Potter," Neville said. "You have been talking for quite a while now, I hope I'm not interrupting something."

"Sorry, Professor," Camilla said.

"Well you have two options here, you could have fifteen points taken away, or you could both attend detention tonight," Neville said. Camilla glared at James.

"We'll take detention, Professor," James said.

James and Camilla were on their way to the Gryffindor Tower to do some homework before their detention.

"I still can't believe you chose detention," Camilla said.

"It's not my fault, I didn't want us to lose fifteen points," James said.

"It is your fault, it's all your fault. You're the one who got us in trouble in the first place," Camilla snapped back. The two of them kept on bickering like this until they were on the stairs coming up to the portrait. Lily walked out of the portrait just as they reached the entrance. 

"Why on earth are you bickering like an old married couple?" she asked.

"We're not," James said rolling his eyes. 

"Yes, you are, you guys are always bickering. So, what's it about this time?" Lily asked while wiggling her eyebrows at them.

"James kept on talking to me today in herbology," Camilla said. "Then we got in trouble with Professor Longbottom, he said that we could either have fifteen points taken away, or we could have detention tonight at seven."

"Well, that's not bad," Lily shrugged.

"But that's not all, James here didn't even let me be a part of the decision, he just told Professor Longbottom that we would be fine having detention."

"James!" Lily glared at him while laughing. "Now why on earth would you do that."

"Because Lil's, I was thinking of winning this year," James responded, that being only partially the truth. 

"Winning what?" Camilla asked.

"Every year my mom places a bet, whichever kid gets the least amount of points taken away during that year would get ten galleons," James replied. "I've never won before so," he shrugged.

"Yes, but you always win Dad's bet," Lily said. "Our dad has a bet where whichever kid gets the most amount of points taken away gets five galleons. James always wins that one."

"So then James, why did you feel the sudden urge to win your mom's bet?" Camilla asked while turning to face James.

"Because," He started to walk into the portrait while walking backward. "I wanted to have detention with you," he winked and walked into the Gryffindor common room. Lily laughed.

"What are you laughing about Lily," Camilla asked.

"Oh, nothing," she said with a knowing grin. "Now I have to go, I'm meeting my boyfriend and Hugo."

"Your boyfriend?" Camilla laughed. "What is this like the third one this year?"

"Oh shut up, at least I'm not like some people, where all they do is go around Shagging people." Camilla punched Lily on the arm lightly.

"Lily!" She exclaimed while laughing.

"What? But I do have to say, I wouldn't be surprised if you and my brother were shagging by the end of this year," she said while starting to walk away.

"We will not-" Camilla started but was cut off by Lily saying.

"Bye, Cam see you later." With that, she winked and walked away.

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