chapter 6

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Time to go to film TMB2.

Ross' POV

I have been dating Laura for the longest since Maia and I can never be together. I think I might love her. Laura just seems right I don't know I really do love her. Me and Maia are just better off as friends anyways. I can't wait to see her, we are headed to Puerto Rico to film the sequel to teen beach movie, it's going to be so much fun. I arrive at the airport and there they all are. I hug them all and then I hug Maia extra long. I missed her the most.

Maia's POV

His e,brace was so familiar and comfortifng. He was so familiar, his blond hair, strong arms, constantly smelling like.....Laura what? I don't care everything else is familiar to me and that's what I care about. "I missed you too Ross!"

"Not as much as I missed you, trust me!"

"No definetly more."

"Not possible!"

"Ugh I'm just so happy we are all back together this awesome! Got my best friend back and 4 months to spend with him doing fun and crazy beach stunts. And film a movie on the side."

"Yeah the movie is just on the side!"

We laugh and go inside the plane ready to board to Puerto Rico. Me and Ross sit next to each other the entire time. Messing around, giggling, pranking, and just plain having fun. Eventually I fell asleep on his shoulder dreaming of him, me and him, us.

Ross' POV

She slept like an angel a beautiful elegant angel. She was perfect, she looked perfect. I don't know what got over me but when we landed some how she was still sleeping. I pet her head until she stirred and woke up. I helped her get her bags down and then John pulled me to the side. "Border you need to be careful with Maia?"


"You have a girlfriend just think about what that would do to her and how that would effect Maia!"

"Okay I understand man I got this."

"Alright I am just warning you of the dangers."

"I know and I won't mess up.!"

"Ok then let's go!"


We walk off the plane and go to our hotel, tomorrow we get to go to a cast party then we get our new costumes fitted and such and then in a few days we start filming, it will be fun. Today we will be doing a charity mini golf tournament for the poor kids in Puerto Rico. I show up later than everyone else and they all look at me. "Hair again?" Maia asks

"Of course it's gotta be perfect!"

"Whatever let's go we are paired uo!"

"Yay!" We go to the first hole as the paparazzi follow us. I start it off and it takes me 3 hits to get it in. Maia gets up and wacks at the ball and it literally goes right up and into the waterfall falling down into the pond and sinking to the bottom. "Was that as terrible as I thought it was?"

"Yes very much so!"

"Help me?"

"Ok!" I walk up to her and stand right next to her. "Just take the club, line it up with the ball, then bend your knees, and lightly swing at the ball." It goes straight up in the air and falls back down. I put my club down and wrap my arms around her arms, pulling them back and then lightly hitting the ball so it moves a little bit far away from her. We walk uo to the ball and this time I am wrapped completely around her and I just go with the flow. "You just swing back lightly and slowly but surely follow through." I look down at her perfect face and into her deep orbs that stare deep into my soul. I see her perfect lips and I see the beauty in her every imperfection. I turn her around so that she is facing me. We stare at each other for a long time. Then it break the silence. "Great job!"

"Well I have a good teacher!"

"Yeah um yeah so let's keep moving!" We walk and finish the entire game losing the tournament but still supporting charity. We go back to the hotel and instead of hanging with the rest of the gang we are going to run lines in Ross' room.

Teen beach movie love story!! (Ross Lynch and Maia Mitchell fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now