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"NOOOOO!!!", I cried as i watched my bro's execution.

My knees were on the ground. I was crying my heart out. Then i heard some beeping sounds. What was that? Then before i knew it a box of butter was thrown at me. And i cried even harder. MY BRO IS DEAD!!! After a while I couldn't eat nor sleep. The pain was too much. And Makoto and the others noticed it well... The next day i saw alter ego and she....turned into Mondo? He said words he would've told me... I suddenly....felt inspired! Like i had something to live for. Then my outburst scared Makoto.

"T-Taka! You good??", Makoto asked scared.

Then...I don't know what i have became. I just went different. Now at around 6 am I got a note. It said "Meet me at the Physics room at 7 am, Hifumi Yamada". Huh? Why? But I wouldn't want to disappoint him so i decided to go. Now it was six thirty am so i made my way towards the physics room. But I never knew my fate would end there..


I fell to the ground with blood pouring down my head as the world darkened around me. But before that i saw Hifumi messing with my watch. Then it faded into darkness....

220 words!

Oh my! I was surprised at my writing! Anyways- hi! This is my first Danganronpa book. I really hope you're excited for the next chapter..! When i publish it of course...!

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