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The moon hid behind inky clouds on this pitch-black night. Ierax, hiding in the bushes, could hear the footsteps nearing. For some reason, the soldiers pursued him all the way here. What did he do to deserve this, just to be sacrificed like a cattle by his father and dragged to the edge of the seas? Wasn't it his father's impudence that drew the wrath of Poseidon?

Ierax, however, was fortunate, finally traveling to the island of Delos. Now, as long as Ierax could make it to the hearth in the center of the village, he would be safe.

The footsteps soon passed by. He could start running.

Ierax shot through the underbrush, sprinting towards the light. His breath began to quicken, his heart circling in his ears, and hunger seemed to make the ground sway with each step.

Behind him, he heard the pounding of the soldier's spears. Their armor clattered with their strides, like the mocking of crows. They have found him, but Ierax was not going to give up so easily.

I'm almost there. The village was within arms reach and he could spot the hearth burning under the statue of Apollo. 

"Freeze, Prince Ierax," one of the soldiers commanded not far behind. "Please, do not anger the Gods any longer." 

The Gods are only angry at my father. Ierax retorted in his mind, but he was too tired and afraid to turn around. 

He finally reached the hearth and threw himself in front of the fire, kneeling down. "Oh, Hestia, one of the 12 Olympians, the Goddess of the Hearth, and Apollo, the God of the Sun, please protect and ensure my safety." 

He turned to face the soldiers now beginning to surround the hearth, uncertain.

One of the soldiers took a step forward.

There's no way...Ierax thought.

The soldier was pulled back by one of his comrades. "Are you insane? The Gods will punish you!"

"B-but if we don't follow orders--the King will sacrifice us instead!"

"That's better than insulting the gods, or down to Hades we'll burn forever."

The soldier hesitated but finally complied. They couldn't touch Ierax here. Not without eternal punishment.

Only when the soldiers completely disappear did Ierax let out a breath. Even though he always thought the gods never had any benevolence towards mere mortals, he had to acknowledge that it was Hestia who saved his life. Poor and hungry, Ierax knelt and prayed some more, thanking Hestia again, until he went to knock on the door of a nearby farmer. A young couple greeted him.

The two were very kind towards Ierax and agreed to allow him to stay for the night. They prepared humble food from their evening meal and gave him a place to sleep. Even though Ierax was not used to the taste of the common food, he still saved the best and burned them in the fire--a tribute for the gods.

Ierax's arrival disturbed the daughter of the couple from her sleep. She got up and asked, "Mother, who is this stranger?"

Her mother picked her up. "This is a guest who needs our help."

"Why do we have to receive every stranger that comes to our door? They're so noisy."

Although Ierax would have liked to think he wasn't causing a ruckus, he kept silent, looking towards the mother hesitantly.

"Don't say that," she replied. "Hospitality is our responsibility, a responsibility given to us by the Gods. Now now, go back to sleep."

Ierax could feel a certain kind of warmth coursing through his veins. He wasn't sure if it was the food, the fire, or something else. People were never this warm in his kingdom.

Ierax (Apollo x OC) (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now