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USA, Seattle, 2021

In this year, Allied Alliance and Red Star Alliance have a war in Europe and US, Mark Monroe has leaded his squadron to fight Red Star Alliance squadron.

Mark: okay, let's move out!

Walter: you don't need tell us twice

Jürgen: don't be annoying, Walter

In Red Star Alliance squadron

Vasily: the west in the front of us!

Tian Zhan: let's kick this capitalist scum!

Vasily: okay let's do this!

But suddenly, the unknown portal has opened and this two squadron has suck into the portal  and this is happening.

Karlsland, Berlin

Jürgen and Walter has out from portal and landing in the field.

Jürgen: agh! What happened?

Walter: don't know too

Jürgen: wait the minutes, that flag is like Nazi Germany, but so different

Walter: I don't know, maybe alternative WW2?

Jürgen: maybe, okay let's go around

Karlsland soldier: hey! Who are you? *Point his StG 44*

Jürgen: whoa, take it easy!

Karlsland soldier: what are you doing here, Neuroi?

Jürgen: Neuroi? What are you talking about?

Walter: oh no, not again

Karlsland soldier: what?

Walter: don't make him mad...

And Jürgen kill that soldier with his HK VP9

Walter: what the heck, you doing?!

Jürgen: there no witness in this accident, packing your jets weapon

Walter: okay

United States of Liberion, New York

Mark: ugh, where am I?

Tony: I think, we on New York, but it's like in 1950

Mark: fuck, now we on the alternative world?

Tony: I think, yes

Mark: pack you jets weapons, we goes undercover

Tony: where we can find the 1950 clothes?

Mark: don't worry, we have anything in here

Tony: okay, thanks

Orussia, Moscow

???: Hey wake up

Vasily: uhh, what....

???: Oh, thank God, you still alive

Vasily see the Russian girl in front of him

Vasily: w-who are you?

Sanya: my name is Sanya V. Litvyak, you?

Vasily: Vasily, Vasily Vsevolodovich Kapalkin, Russian Federation president son

Sanya: Russian Federation? Never heard that

Vasily: listen to me, you in where?

Sanya: Orussia

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