the park

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Gavin kept hugging me. We didn't talk or anything. We were just quiet. I wanted to stay like this forever. His hug was so warm it felt like I was the most important thing in the world. He didn't want to let go. But of course there's always something that gotta ruined the moment

*Ding Ding* the bell rang I actually wanted to skip class but before I could say anything Gavin spoke up

"Uh we better get going now..." I looked up

"oh okay I guess we do need to get going but uh can you let me go now" after I said that he let go of me and covered his face i could see the tiny bit of blush on his cheeks he looked cute

Before I walked out Gavin grabbed my wrist

"Gavin what's wrong ?"

"MC would you like to go do the park with me after class ya know maybe hang out?'

I was just standing their maybe he caught off guard or something but without thinking I said yes


Gavin POV

*as he waited for her he got kinda nervous*

Oh god what was I thinking wait but why am i getting nervous this is not an actual date it's a "hang out" okay stay calm Gavin you can do this \

"Hey Gavin sorry I was late " he turned around to see her the wind was blowing her beautiful brown hair her eyes glowing in the sunlight it felt like yesterday he met her

"Hello Gavin" *snaps back* "oh sorry lets go now i'll carry your bag" MC just nodded

They both walked to the nearest park and It was spring season so cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Once they got their they just sat and enjoyed the cherry blossom scenery

"Wow this is really beautiful don't you think Gavin?' Gavin looked at MC and just smiled which made MC heart skip a beat


I decided to make conversation with Gavin or more like ask him dumb question

"Gavin, do you have a girlfriend?' It must've taken him by surprised cause his eyes widen

"No I don't I'm single" hearing that made me pretty happy but he took this opportunity to ask me the same thing

"do you have a boyfriend MC?' I immediately answered, "Nope I've only had one which was Lucien and well that didn't turn out well...." I could see in his eyes that he was hurt with the answer. After that we stayed silence for a long time until he spoke up again


"Yes Gavin" he grabbed my hand and looked straight into my eyes and said

"MC like I said before I would never hurt you id make you the happiest person in this world no matter what I want to see you smiling until the end" my face must have been like a tomato at that point


After that they walked around the park and ate ice cream together they talked non stop just getting to know each other better. Gavin was just happy to be this close to her even if it was just friendship he's fine with that. It was getting late Gavin brought her home


"Thanks for bring me home Gavin and thanks for today your a good friend"

"Your welcome" but before he left I took the opportunity and tipsy toe to kiss Gavin on the cheek. Gavin ears were red his face too he just looked so cute I was also blushing I became a little bolder now lol

"What was that for?" I just smiled and said "a little reward"

Gavin left mc placed but his face was still burning touching the cheek were MC placed the kiss he looked up at her apartment and said

"Yup I've completely fallen for you" 

To be continued 

Hello Sorry for the short story not really the best chapter also I apologized if the romance Is going kinda slow I'll get their soon till next time byee!!!! 

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