i miss you ....a lot

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xel POV

Just when we were coming back into my all while room I heard a familiar voice. "there you are!" and next a not so familiar fist contacted my face taking me back a little "where is she!" Riku was holding me by jacket. "Riku!." I heard scarlet say running to him "Scar! Did he hurt you?" Riku said dropping me and running to her.

"No lea would never hurt me.'' She said. I was getting up and fixing my jacket now. and I was just watching "what are you doing in my room anyway." I said walking up to Riku, who seemed upset still. "Why did you take her Axel, What did you do? Cause I swear if you hurt her in anyway I'll end you!" Riku said walking up to me. " I saved her from being bored to death by the likes of you." i said poking him on his chest. "No what you did was kidnapped her Axel. and don't you ever do it again, or I'll-"

"You'll what?" I asked him he was thinking to highly of himself now that he could ever beat me "the only thi-"

"GUYS!" Scarlet cut me off and yelled "It's not that serious" she said walking up to the both or us. "Riku lea didn't hurt me I'm fine he just showed me a few other worlds nothing to bad." she told him smiling. I'm not sure If I like the idea of her smiling at him I can tell by the way he talked to her and looks at her he likes her, but she's mine...Well at least not yet but she will be.

"And Lea Riku was just worried about me he didn't mean any of what he just said." she told me. "Wait you call him Lea?" Riku asked Scarlet. "well yeah that's his name isn't it." Riku stepped back a little "Huh I guess it is..."

No one else said anyhting for a minete then riku looked at Scarlet "Ok then scar Say I'm taking you back home you had a crazy say" then he grabbed her hand and started to pull to a portal he just made. ''wait a minute Riku let me say good bye to axel first."

she ran up to me "Umm...It's been fun." she said smiling

"well have to do it again some times." I told her. her smile got bigger.

"yeah I'd like that." she told me back. then she got on her toes and kissed me on the chick and ran into the portal riku had ready for them. that totally took me off grad maybe she did like me.

"Leave her alone Axel, I don't want you starting problems with her. She's mine." Riku told me then went after her in his portal.

the never of that kid to tell me what to do about Scarlet as if he knew. But to this strange degree he was right she seemed to have a perfect life, and I don't want to mess anything up for her.

Scarlet POV

Riku made the portal go back into my room. Home again. Not really sure if I missed it. But I smiled something familiar. "You sure you're ok?" Riku asked me taking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah I am." I told him I really was. "Good cause I want to talk about us." he said.

Oh God I forgot about that conversation we had him liking me. This won't go well I don't like him like that. "Unless you wanna talk about it later. He asked. Well this was a way to get out I had to use it, I mean I don't wan to hurt Riku he's my best friend. "Yea...I'm really tired but I promise well talk about it tomorrow at school." Then I Started starching as though I was super tired.

"Oh ok...that's fine.....I hope you're fine that asshole Axel plays to much, where did he take you?" Riku asked me.

"Hey! Axel's not a asshole..." I started to say riku raised a eyebrow "I mean he's a jerk but not a asshole I had fun today. He got me some ice cream, and took me to a world called Halloween town everything as dark there but we watched a parade. I think he's a good guy he didn't try to kill me or anything." I told Riku. because honestly Lea was a good guy he's just seems like a bluntly honest person.''

Riku was shaking his head "Trust me scar the guys bad news, he has a real bad track record and i don't want him to hurt you."

"Come on Riku I think you're jugging him to fast.'' I told him. Riku got up from lining against my wall " I'm trying to protect you Scarlet! He's bad news!" Riku shouted at me this time. " And you don't know him!" I shouted back. "Why are you defending him? he kidnapped you!" Riku was in my face "Why are you judging him?'' "whatever we'll talk about it later" Riku said walking past me out my door Slamming it behind him.

What was his deal Axel wasn't a bad guy at least of what I know of him yeah he could be a little bit of a jerk. but he means no real harm riku was totally over reacting. sure i was upset when he first took me but he kinda grew on me.....But Riku was just trying to be protective so maybe I was the one who overreacted. I don't know anymore I think I've though on it to hard my head hurts. so I got in my bed And just thought about how this day went Pretty crazy different worlds riku confessing his feelings for me. Me meeting Axel/Lea who was pretty much amazing beside the fact that he "Kidnapped" me It was just a lot. sleep is something I need right now.

Riku POV

the nerve of him Axel taking her for no real reason. Now she was acting like a love struck teenager but for the wrong guy. she called him lea no one calls him lea. to me he's still a nobody. not to mention he kidnapped kairi. then he goes and does the something to scarlet and she was acting dumb and just going with it, even defending him like I didn't know what I was talking about. "damn." today just didn't go how I wanted to at all and I blame it all on Axel. I was looking at the moon on the island. if everything would have went right Scar would be up here with me.

"There you are Riku."

I turned around and saw Sora and Kairi walking up we usually I nodded at them. the both sat down Sora pushed me "where have you been Riku?" he asked. " out in twilight town" I told him.

"kairi did you have fun?" Kairi asked

"Actually no I took Scarlet and Axel kidnapped he."

"WHAT!" they both said.

"i's ok." i told them then I explained everything that had happened. they just listened until I was done

"Well I think Axel's a good guy he does his on thing but he has a good heart," Sora said. Just like sora being natural thinking everyone is good.

"But you're a great guy I'm sure She'll figure out how she feels with you after all she just met Axel and she's know you your whole life." Sora had a point there.

"Yeah Riku, Sora." Kairi said. "It's good to have friends like you two." I told them. and it was true other then Scarlet these two were my closets friends we've been through so much togather and none of us have even made it to 18. I believe we're all truly best friends forever.


Axel POV

it's been what feels like mouths but I'm sure it's only been just one week that since I saw her. I would go to destiny island to see her but I'm not sure I don't wanna come off as crazy.

" dude would you stop moping around and just go see her" demy told me while he was playing his guitar. I was in his room he was one the guys from the organization but he was pretty cool. and sometimes when I was really bored I'd go hang out with him. I looked over to him " I told you I can't she'll think I'm crazy."

"yeah yeah yeah you told me. But who care Lea just go get there girl before someone else does plus I wanna meet her." Demy said. he had a point I should just go and see her.

"You're right" I said getting up " I need to go see her, I'll be back." then I made a portal and left of to destiny island

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