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Tessa's pov-two weeks later...

I sit in class staring at my blank papers under my tear stained hands, its been a couple weeks since... I cant close my eyes, if i do ill see her face again. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself as to not cry again, I feel sick like i wanna punch somthing. I look over to the teacher noticing her glare at me for not working on her dumbass project, I hate this.... I try to focus on work but the more i try to push her out of my head the more it hurts, and the more I cant focus. I hear footsteps walking towards me, my hands tightening with each step.
I look up to see the old grimising hag looking down at me, clearly pissed I wasn't doing her bullshit assignment.

"So miss Walter (full name is Tessa Allin Walter) care to explain why your page is seemingly empty?"

"Oh like your marriage, or are those marks on your arm (bondage marks) just from handing out usless papers all day. Last i checked your husband is still a douche bag"

Cliff hanger, sorry i havnt been posting everything been crazy hope you guys are liking this so far and again this is not for kids!!!

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