They stole me. I had a life, and it's gone. A long time ago, they say I was a popular. They say I was the perfect test. The test no one could resist. But here I am, in this blank white room. So empty I can hear my own heart beat, Punching the wall does nothing, screaming gives no response. The silence, I think i'm dead or dying, there is no real difference. Threats don't help. I've been here for so long. Too long. Am I even here? Are you here? My breathing is loud, so loud. Its driving me steadily insane. Last year, they put a candle in my room, that is my only definition of time and space. I haven't talken to anyone for a very long time. Except you. They tell me i'm smart, they give me pens and paper. They tell me to write. I will earn my freedom if I write to you. They told me they will deliver them, They have to deliver them, They promised, They say they will keep their promises. You. I know so little about you, reader. They say that is your name, reader. You are my hope. If you ever find this, reader, you must save me. Save me, or I will die.