part 8

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(I don't like this chapter but I don't feel like fixing it so oh well it's 1:30 am as I'm writing this so...)

Either Deku's or God's POV (I kept switching between them)

I made a huge mistake

I lost track of the time in the library and was now leaving to go home at the same time his old bullies are leaving school he is just preying to the chicken nugget god that he would not run into his ex childhood best friend gone
Egotistical, selfish ,vain, cute 'what' tormenter

Unfortunately for him he wasn't so lucky as he found himself bruised and injured under a bridge after Bakugou beat him up once his lackys arrived cheering him on as he did Izuku was not left to question the strange interaction with his ex childhood friend having just yelled at him for "looking down on him" as the ash blonde apparently was self centered enough to somehow come to the conclusion that he was hiding from him. Even going as far as to say something that truly did hurt

"If you want a quirk so bad why not take a swan dive of the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life"

However his thought process was cut short as he sensed movement below him.

Izuku scanned his surroundings cautiously As he got up staying alert for any movement which proves useful as he proceeded to dodge whatever has been propelled at him only to see a slime that the craft HeroTubers would have throw glitter at and call it a day

Only then did he realised the arts and crafts project was saying going on about him being a perfect meat shield (which deku would have taken as a complement if he wasn't busy dodging and wishing he had some glitter on hand) instead opting to throw dirt in there face momentarily blinding them

However Izuku then received a message from his birth giver demanding that he 'stops being so useless and at least makes there food on time and except their punishments for there twisted sense of amusement'

This caused anger to flair up inside him as he attempted to push it down only to stab the slime in the eye, the only solid part of his body, with a pen
That he had been using to note down his theory about all-mights potential second form consider the time he spends heroing (?) Shortening and the lack of civilian sightings of him it's hardly like he could hide considering his massive build and addiction to fame and money always using unnecessarily flashy, unplanned out attacks and yelling despite it repeatedly put civilians lives in danger not to mention the property damage
And blackmail and proof of Endeavours terrible heroing as well as his treatment of his wife and children

Izuku was now standing over the slime villain who was helplessly holding their eye as Deku began to figure out his next move before he heard something that made him grown in dread at "I AM HEAR"

Deku simply sighed as all might decided to punched the helpless villain back into a wall causing all the crafter's to cry at the loss of perfectly good slime

However that wasn't the worst of it as the sorry excuse of a hero decided to grab Izukus notebook and vandalise it with his horrible excuse of a signature that he assumed deku wanted

He then scoops the slime into a random bottle and place it into a obviously unsafe position that is clearly going to fall out but as Deku tried to worn him he took of not realising that they were caught together by some random peace of rubbish forcing Izuku to grab hold of all-mights leg in with the hero tried to push him of as his one brain cell obvious didn't notice that then we're propelling through the air until he pointed it out

They then landed on a roof together only for Deku to untangle his leg while staring daggers at the 'hero' only for him to dismiss it thanking it couldn't possibly have anything to do with him

Deku then glared at his notebook deciding to ask he 'hero' a question in hopes that he would have to transfer everything into a new book that haven't been 'distroyed'

"Can someone quirkless become a hero?"

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