Ch. 11 Connor

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WOW ok first of all can we talk about how this story has 300 views? Wasn't expecting that but ok. Here Ya go

*Connors POV*

Tyler texted me "hey con, me and Troye are filming our announcement video. Wanna come and help out?"

The other day Tyler and Troye had told me that they were together. I had watched the video of their Q and A the other day.

I love Tyler. I have had a crush on him for years. But then Troye came along. Whenever they look at each other I can see the love in their eyes. Love that is not meant for me but love that I want so badly. I responded to his text "Ya sure. I'll be there in 10". I hopped into and uber and drove off to Zoe's house. When I got there, Tyler had already set up the camera. He told to just make sure the camera recorded. As I watched them film I realized I have never wanted someone so bad. I was full of jealousy and anger and sadness all at the same time. I kept it all in, trying not to make it noticeable.

Tyler finished filming. We were having laptop time on the couch. I was scrolling through Twitter. Of course, everything in my feed was about troyler. I heard Tylers voice "Con, is everything ok?" "Oh Ya I'm fine" I said. "Oh" he said. He turned to Troye and started to whisper

*Tylers POV*

I knew something was up with Connor. I mean I have known him longer than Troye, and he did recently come out. I turned to Troye and whispered into his ear, "I'm going to go talk to him about this thing". He nodded his head. "Connor can I talk to you in private"I asked. "Sure". We went into the guest room and shut the door. "Connor I know something's up you've got to tell me". Tears started to form in his eyes. I sat down next to him. "Connor is this about me and Troye" I asked. "Well" he began. "Ya- I mean uh, I don't know. It all happened really fast you know? I'm happy for you guys though. Your perfect for each other. It just sucks to know that I'm not perfect enough"

*Tylers POV*

"Connor-" I didn't really know what to say. "Connor I know that you will find someone perfect for you. You just haven't found them yet. But I know you will". He nodded his head. I left the room and went back to Troye. "Is everything ok?" He asked. "Ya everything is fine

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