Sick Omi-Omi

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authors note; this is very old so please forgive the poor writing. i might do an atsumu part and if anyone has any requests for future fics just comment them!!

Trigger Warning // slight panic attacks, vomit

Nobodies pov



Atsumu woke up to a weight shifting off his husband's side of the bed. He didnt mind that much knowing Sakusa was probably just going to the bathroom. He closed his eyes and stretched silently when he heard a gag. Atsumu got up and rubbed his eyes before running down the hall to the bathroom.

"Babe?" Atsumu said, peaking in to the bathroom, only to find a sakusa with hands pressed against his mouth with tears running down his face.

"Oh hey! You're okay!" Atsumu said in an attempt to comfort sakusa while he bent next to him, "ya gotta let it all out! It's the only way you'll get better!"

Sakusa shook his head with more tears running down his face. Atsumu pressed a hand against his back and when sakusa relaxed a bit, he started rubbing in circles. Taking a better look at sakusa now, he was pale, with glossy eyes and deep eye bags. Sakusa let out another gag only to cover his mouth harder.

"You're to weak to be forcin' yerself to cover yer mouth." Atsumu let out, before removing his husband's hands off his mouth and placing them on his pant legs. Another gag came out of sakusa, causing a burp and then the dreaded. Some sick came up into the toilet when sakusa closed his eyes and started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down!! Yer okay you gotta keep your breathin' normal!" Atsumu said, in an attempt to help sakusa, and as much as it helped, it didnt work out as the  smell of sakusas sick hit his own nose and he threw up again. A lot more than last time.

"Yer doin' so good Omi-Omi! I'm proud of you!" He yelled again, pressing a cold hand on his husband's stomach. That seemed to ease the pain for a few seconds until sakusa leaned back over the toilet and spit out more sick. After hyperventilating a lot more than wanted and atsumu finally calming him down, atsumu gave his s/o a well deserved hug for doing good.

"You did good today, y'know with the calmin' down durin' an attack?"

Sakusa nodded before falling forward, all the exhaustion hitting him.

"Woah there! Dont just fall on me!" Sakusa mumbled a 'sorry' while atsumu helped him onto the couch.

"I'll be right back! Imma grab a towel, medicine, some crackers, and a blanket alrighty?" Sakusa nodded while he watched his husband walk to the bathroom again. He whimpered a little to the pain, but he wasnt gonna throw up again luckily.

Once atsumu came out he let out a sigh and said, "you really arent feelin' well are ya? I'm sorry Omi," pressing a kiss to his forehead, he grabbed the wet towel, carefully placing it down.

"I got some medicine, and the thermometer right now... I gotta get the other things but I wantcha to get medicine in yer system first." He told sakusa to open up and plopped the thermometer in his mouth. Waiting for it to beep. He grabbed the thermometer '38.6' could be worse but it still wasnt ideal.

He got up and left to get the blanket, crackers, and a cup of water. Once he came back he saw a hiccuping sakusa who had tears running down his face.

"It really hurts doesn' it?" Atsumu asked while sakusa gave a soft nod in response. Before giving sakusa anything food wise he put his cold hand on his stomach and started rubbing a bit, now noticing how warm his significant others stomach was. He cursed himself for not noticing sakusa was warmer then normal while cuddling but he knew he couldn't beat himself up about it. He felt sakusas stomach tense and untense a few more times before sakusa let out a gag and put his hands over him mouth again. Being a quick reactor, astumu got the trash can next to the trash and gave it to sakusa just in case. He helped sakusa sit up and started rubbing his back up and down.

"You gotta let it all out babe. It's not healthy to keep it in." And at those words, sakusa let out some more throw up. He started shaking to the point where he could barely hold onto the trash can so atsumu grabbed onto it before it fell. When atsumu looked up he saw that kiyoomis face was soaked with tears and his eyes were squeezed shut. He put the trash down and raised a hand up to sakusas face, grabbing it lightly and brushing off his tears. Sakusa opened his eyes and leaned to relax on astumu.

"You must be exhausted arent ya Omi?" Sakusa nodded against his thigh. Atsumu pushed his hair out of his face and bent down to give him a quick kiss on the forehead. He bent over to get the crackers off the table. 

"Do ya wanna try to eat 'em?" Atsumu said while Sakusa was thinking.

"Y-yes..." Sakusa finally answered, voice raw and scratchy. Wasn't surprising though, since he wasn't used to being sick and throwing up. Atsumu opened up the package and motioned for sakusa to sit up, and once sakusa was finally up he put half of the cracker into his s/o's mouth. Sakusa chewed and swallowed, wincing in pain from his raw throat.

"You should have some water" Astumu said, handing him the water. Sakusa took a sip and looked relieved from the cold water. He sat the water back and and ate the rest of the crackers. He started dozing off when Atsumu scooped him up in his arms, carrying him bridesmaid style to their shared bed. "Here ya go, we can go to bed if ya wanna right now."

Sakusa nodded again, snuggling up in his blankets. He noticed that the weight of his husband hadn't entered the bed so he cracked open his eyes to see him coming in with a trash can. He closed his eyes again when he felt the weight shift on the bed and atsumu's somewhat cold body shift up against his, sucking up his heat. Not that he really cared that much, he was hot anyways. He was just confused on why he was being the little spoon? Was it because he was sick? For whatever reason, as he didn't really care or mind, it was comfy. He started dozing off and ended up falling asleep not long after.

3 days later Sakusa was better and... behold sick atsumu!

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