Stars | انجم

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تنہا نہیں ہوں میں

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تنہا نہیں ہوں میں

مجھ میں بسا ہے وہ

 (Tanha nahi hun mein
Mujh mein basa hai woh)


Faryal was passing by the lounge when unintentionally she heard the conversation of her family.

"Fary is too young and mentally unprepared for the marriage let alone to take the responsibilities of a kid. I think you should deny the proposal politely. I won't blame anyone because as parents we both are very well aware that how does it feel to see your kids going through this situation", Agha Jan said looking at his son Ismail.

"I was thinking the same but don't you think we should ask Faryal for her answer?", Amma Jan asked in concern.

"You both are absolutely right, but let Faryal give the final verdict. I'll talk to her when the right time comes", Baba Jan replied.

(Faryal left the place)

knowing Zohaib and his wife Ayza (both were his students) Baba Jan was well aware of Zohaib's condition. This situation reminded him of his past when beside Amma Jan's constant insistence he didn't agree to the marriage, but at the same time, he was forever grateful that his parents had only insisted on him never pressurized him.

After a while, four of them had dinner together filled with laughter and chit-chats as usual.


Faryal was standing in the balcony wrapped in a woolen shawl, gazing at the twinkling stars. For the past few days, her head was consumed with so many thoughts. She had realized the situation in the presence of guests but after unintentional eavesdropping, her doubt was confirmed.

"There you are my stargazer! I was looking for you", Baba Jan said, kissing her on the forehead.

"You know Baba Jan that's what I like the most", Faryal replied with a smile. 

Looking at the sky restores her spirits and feels homely. When she was a small kid, she used to ask her Baba Jan about her mother. He told her that she has become a star, the brightest star. So far yet so close.

"Fary beta, I want to ask a simple question. You don't have to explain anything or get scared, just answer me with a simple "No" or "Yes", no pressure okay."

Faryal knew where the conversation was leading but she composed herself because deep down she had already decided and was now ready for this conversation.

"It's about the proposal, I wanted to tell you that your hand was asked for Zoh.."Before he could complete his sentence she replied, "I know Baba Jan"

He cleared his throat and continued his sentence further," Mrs.Durrani has called Amma Jan several times for the response but we all want you to decide whatever you want. I promise your decision will be the final one, NO PRESSURE."

"What kind of person is he?" she turned her gaze towards the sky again and asked an unexpected question.

"Zohaib is a very good boy, I have observed him for a long time. Kind, intelligent, obedient, polite, full of life". Baba Jan replied with concern. She was still looking at the sky while his eyes were fixed on her face.

"Yes", She whispered.

"Huh? Did you say something?", he asked in an unsure voice.

"Baba jan I said YES, I will marry him", she replied nervously. She turned her face towards her baba, this time looking in the eyes of her shocked Baba Jan.

"If you are agreeing just because of any pressure then you don't have to Fary".

"You said he is a good person", she shrugged.

"That doesn't mean you have to say yes, especially keeping the fact in mind he has a child. Do you think you would be able to take the responsibilities of a kid at this moment? You have a whole life in front of you, He is definitely not the only good person in this whole world. You are too young for all that at the moment Fari."

"Baba Jan I have been thinking about this since I have met them, the only reason I want to accept this proposal is Zahra. Whenever I look at her, It feels like I'm looking at myself. Complete in every way yet so incomplete. You have done everything for me. Each and every time much more than your capabilities sacrificed your everything for me. We both mean a world to each other but Baba there is still certain emptiness within us of Ammi (her mother) and I'm sure you feel it too". He looked at her with concern and understanding.

"Fary meri jan (my love) are you sure you are ready for this?, because a few days back you were crying your heart out for just a proposal. Making your poor Baba Jan worried". He said trying to lighten the situation so she can speak more openly to him.

"hahaha Babaaa...The world you have made around me knows only love. I know and understand your point. In case if you are denying the proposal just because he has a kid then please don't. If I can be that "Someone" in Zahra's life whom I always needed in my life, then why not. You know just trying to bring the change I have always craved for".

"From my side, I don't have any issue, further you can look out the things and decide baba Jan it's up to you". she added.

Baba Jan came forward hugged his dear daughter, kissed her on her forehead proudly. Today he realized his Fary has grown up into a fine lady. 

"I'm so proud of you", He said.

The sky was filled with twinkling stars but his انجم (STAR) was in his embrace.

Deep down she was still very nervous and afraid of leaving her loved ones but at a moment it was a little bit surfaced by the logical emotions towards Zahra.

Amma Jan and Agha Jan were as shocked as Baba Jan after hearing her answer. In a few days, they further thought and inquired about the Durranis and said "yes" to them.

On the other side, Durranis were so happy except the one who was getting married.


Hey! I'm back. I hope everyone is doing well.

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