Responsibilty | ذمہ داري

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تو ہاتھوں میں تو ہے میرے

ہے کیوں نہیں لکیروں میں

یہ کیسا تیراعشق ہے

........سا جنا





Faryal placed a baby dress on Zahra who was sitting in the stroller beside her and said to the sales girl with a smile, "I'll take this one as well, kindly pack it with the others".

"Okay ma'am you can collect your items packed at the counter", the salesgirl said politely and left the place.

Faryal moved her head and scanned the whole store with her eyes and finally found him standing at a counter with a stoic expression.

Zohaib being the man of his words came early home today so he can accompany Faryal as he has promised yesterday for which she was happy beyond words. 

"Zahra let's go we are done with the shopping, daddy is waiting for us", Faryal said looking down at her and pushed the stroller along her towards the counter. She not only exchanged the sizes of the clothes she had bought yesterday but also bought new ones. She bought everything at which Zahra looked a little bit longer thinking she might like that.

"We are done", Faryal said to Zohaib and placed her credit card on the counter but before the sales boy could pick up the card Zohaib picked her credit card put it in his pocket, and handed his own credit card to the sales boy.

Faryal looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, she wanted to deny him but kept quiet because she did not want to create a scene in front of strangers. After some time the sales boy returned Zohaib's credit card and gave them their shopping bags. Zohaib moved forward, placed the shopping bags one by one in Zahra's stroller, and they left the store.

"Thanks for coming with me, I have told you it won't take long. Now we can go home.", She said with a smile looking in Zohaib's direction while he was pushing Zahra's stroller and looking straight.

"Don't you want to buy anything for yourself? If you want to you can", He offered.

"No, I already have everything.", She answered.

"Okay! I've to buy some stuff for Zahra from here", he said and entered a store followed by her.

She looked at him carefully whatever he was picking up trying to learn and know about the things Zahra uses and needs. He was buying diapers, formula milk, wet wipes, etc for Zahra, the usual things she had mostly seen him using for her but the thing which got her attention was when he picked up different boxes of cereals.

"This is for Zahra?", she asked curiously pointing at the boxes of different cereals.

"Yeah", he replied while looking at the shelves.

"She will start eating solid food now?", she asked further.

He paused, looked at her and said, "Zahra is growing up, milk is not enough for her now. It couldn't full her nutritional needs alone anymore. That's her time to start the intake of solid food".

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