Chapter 8

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I'm not dead!!! (Physically) I had and still kinda have some writers block. But wait a sec, can we talk about how this story as a whole has 300 views? I literally thought that I would write this for fun and skshannon48 would be the only one reading it. Thank you all!!! Anyway, onto the story!

   "So, how's this going to work?" Sophie asked, glancing around the pastures. No gnomes or her parents were outside, so it was weird standing in the middle of their vast land all alone.

   "We go inside your house?" Keefe said, obviously confused why she was asking.

   The three of them walked across the pasture, taking a moment to say hi to the alicorns, before finally reaching the front door. Sophie looked shocked from not being home for months, and Keefe looked like her was preparing to be murdered.

   Amy, after a few minutes of them staring at the door, let out a long sigh and shoved open the door, clearly pissed off from standing outside for soong without moving.

   "Sophie?" Edaline said, glancing at her daughter in shock. Apparently, no one told Keefe that there was going to be a Black Swan meeting at Havenfield that day. And everyone was there. EVERYONE.

   Sophie was drowned in hug, before random people started pulling Keefe and Amy in too. Even Forkle tried to give them hugs. Except Keefe. He took one whiff and dipped outta that.

Time skip brought to you by me being lazy and only having one stable thing in my life

   After the meeting, which became what happened to Sophie in the last month, everyone but the Vackers and Keefe had left. Well, and Grady and Edaline, but it was their own house, so they didnt have to leave.

   "Alden, can we speak for a moment?" Sophie asked the eldest Vacker, before turning and leading him to Grady's office.

   "Why did you tell everyone that I went back to the Lost Cities even though I was kidnapped?" Sophie asked him once they were alone.

   "We . . . it was the assumed cause of your disappearance. You talked about how much you missed them and you sister so everyone thought that you had gone back to stay with them, including myself."

   Sophie was a bit concerned with this answer. Obviously someone has to start this rumor, or else it would have never started. Alden would have never believed something without research, and the Council knows when a Neverseen member is trying to trick them somehow, so th here must be a traitor somewhere among the Black Swan and Council.

Could I stop here, yes. Will

   After Alden had left, Keefe decided to pop his head into her room.

   "Hey, Foster." He said. Plopping down right next to her on her bed.
"How's my favorite elf?" He asked, slight concern laced in with his teasing tone.

   "I thought Fitz was your favorite person. He is your best friend, you know." Sophie said. She was still a bit troubled with what Alden had said, and was really trying not to think about it.

   "Nah, you're my new bestie." He said with a smile. Sophie rolled her eyes at that.

   "I would say the same, but Dex would Sucker Punch me to Bonaire." Sophie said with laugh, only a bit forced.

   "Where?" Keefe said, confusion written all over this face.

   "Island." Was all Sophie said, and Keefe understood. "Hey, are you okay?" Sophie asked when she noticed Keefe's eyes watering.

   "I am now. I've just missed you so much." He said, throwing his arms around Sophie. "The second I heard you were gone, I was so worried. I looked everyehere, and then Alden said you left for good to go with your human family, and I figured you'd be happy there, so I stopped."

   Sophie was touched. He wanted to keep her safe, wanted to find her, stopped looking so she could be happy.

   "Keefe, I . . ." She didn't know what to say. He cared about her so much. She could feel her heart jump at the thought, and she froze. Was that . . . No, she didn't like him in that way. Did she?

   "Keefe, I wasn't scared. Not at the beginning. Sure, there's always a slight bit of fear when it comes to them, but I had hidden a crystal on me. I thought I could go to their base, escape, then come back with reinforcements. Once they found it, I was scared. Scared of never seeing my family, friends, you, anyone again. But I had hope that you would all be alright without me." Sophie said, finally letting all of it out.

   "Do you remember the first thing I said to you?" Keefe asked, raw emotion visible on his face. Sophie tried to remember from that long ago, but couldn't for some reason.


   "I asked if you were lost. And listen, I'll always be here, and you will never be lost again. Wait, what do you mean no? You have a photographic memory, that's impossible." He said worridly.

   "I don't know. It should be there, but the memory is just . . . gone."

I'm evil.

And yes, ik I should update more and if yall tell me to update then I write an update. I just need some motivation. I'm lazy like that.

If you havent read my community post, it explains a ton of stuff.

Also, random question, but how do you prefer your Fitzroy? Jealous and cunning and wanting Sophie back to the point of where he's almost evil or calmer but still a tad jealous?

Can I also mention that this chapter has 952 words? That's the longest I've written yet!

Anyway, sorry again, and Stay Lovely!

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