This is the sequel to "Tigerstar's Apprentice." Do not read this book if you haven't read that one first.
Most of the main characters in this story wi...
"Bluewillow, who was that cat?" Patchkit mewed, pummeling his mother's flank.
The queen sat up, an emotion that Turtlekit couldn't place shining in her eyes. "Her name was Rosepaw, dear. She was a ThunderClan cat."
"Rosepaw? She was an apprentice?" Patchkit tipped his head to one side.
Turtlekit was appalled. "But she'd never heard of the Warriors Code! What's wrong with ThunderClan!?"
Bluewillow sighed, drawing her kits closer with her tail. "Well, not long ago, there was a cat named Tigerstar who tried to take over the forest. Firestar defeated him, but not before Tigerstar had driven him insane."
"S-so Firestar isn't following the code?" Turtlekit meowed, trembling. "Why did he attack our camp? RiverClan didn't do anything to his Clan!"
She sighed. "I don't know, but they took Yellowfang, Cinderpelt, and Cloudtail back with them."
Why? "Is it because they used to be ThunderClan cats?" His mother nodded. "But... how can a Clan survive without the code? It's what separates us from the rogues!"
"Get some rest," was all Bluewillow said in response, curling her tail over her paws. "It's been a long night..."
Turtlekit sighed, settling down next to Patchkit. His brother was already snoring softly, looking as if the battle hadn't bothered him at all. I should go check on the camp. I hope every cat is alright.
Slowly, silent as a mouse, Turtlekit skunk out of the nest and over to the den wall. Taking a deep breath, he gazed out into the clearing.
He almost yowled in shock. The dens were in shambles, and numerous bodies littered the clearing. The whole camp reeked of blood and decay, and every cat sat silently around their fallen Clanmates. Wrenfeather, Turtlekit recognized her golden brown tabby pelt. Moonsong, Tulippaw... his breath caught in his throat. Not Birdflight and Ripplefur too... the two elders were lying in front of their den, their pelts neatly groomed but their bodies lying impossibly still. No... No, how could this happen!? This is what happens when a cat doesn't follow the code. Turtlekit lifted his gaze from the bloodstained grass to stare at the bright moon. StarClan, how will the Clans survive?
"No, keep your front paws tucked in!" Maplekit scolded, dropping back onto all fours. She approached Turtlekit, her eyes shining with concern. "Are you alright? You look distracted."
Turtlekit shook his head to clear it. He had been replaying the horrible scene of the blood-stained and body-filled camp in his head. "I-I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all." At least that was true. He hadn't slept at all after he'd seen the death and destruction caused by Firestar.
Maplekit smiled. "Ok, if you're sure," she padded back across their secret clearing, her tail waving out behind her. "Remember, keep your front legs bent and your paws tucked up tight to your chest."
Turtlekit nodded, rising onto his hind paws. He pulled his forepaws up to his chin, attempting to balance. Hi hind legs ached something awful, but he forced himself to stay up. You can do this. Just balance... After staying up for a few more heartbeats, he dropped back onto all fours, landing gracefully despite his bulky build.
"Good!" Maplekit praised. "Now let's go see what Minnowkit and Patchkit are up to. I wouldn't want any cat to come looking for us..."
"Ok." The two kits padded towards the crack in the elders' den wall. Maplekit stuck her head through first, lashing her tail to signal that it was safe to exit. Turtlekit followed her big bushy tail out into the camp.
He shut his eyes tightly, the stench of blood still hitting his nostrils. The grass was still stained crimson, even though the fallen had been buried at dawn. Now the sun was rising high in the sky, and as if on cue, Turtlekit's belly began to rumble.
"I think I'm going to go get something to eat," Turtlekit mewed to Maplekit, padding over to the fresh-kill pile. It consisted of silver-scaled fish that glowed in the bright sunlight. Turtlekit grabbed a carp for himself and padded over to the nursery to eat.
As he approached, a heated argument met his ears. "Why do you keep disappearing? You promised you'd play mossball with me and Patchkit!" That sounds like Minnowkit.
"I'm allowed to do what I want," Maplekit growled in response.
Turtlekit could almost see the shocked look on Minnowkit's face. His voice was barely more than a whisper when he spoke. "You're my littermate. You're supposed to be the one that I can count on to be there for me."
Maplekit's reply shocked Turtlekit so much that he stumbled backwards, tripping over a brambles tendril and landing in a sprawled-out heap. "I am not your littermate."
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