Chapter 1

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Oh how I hate this, why I have to go to this retirement party, Why? Who am I? What happened to Andy? I guess after everything I put my dad through I owe him this...

Andy left Seattle a little over a year ago because her father didn't want to promote her to lieutenant so she decided she had enough of her fathers protection and decided to go to LA and earn lieutenant on her own.

And so she did, she was a lieutenant at Station 9 and she enjoyed it but something was missing. She didn't feel at home, she didn't feel welcomed, she didn't have feeling she had when she was at Station 19 in Seattle. Station that she grew up at. As time passed she missed it and wanted to go back but she is too stubborn to admit that she overreacted.
She is coming back for good but she was a little bit annoyed that she had agreed to go on that stupid party and she is going to see him for the first time in a year on that party.

They talked over the phone a few times and kinda sort things out but they still needed to talk in person.

But she decided that she can't be angry and him anymore. And she need to make amends and start fresh.
She was so excited to see her best friend again. Well the only friend she actually have in Seattle and she happens to be at Station 19 as well.
Pruitt made it happen for her to be stationed at 19 but Andy didn't know that.
She called Ripley to ask him can she come back this time as a lieutenant and he was happy to say that at 19 they have an empty spot, since Pruitt's colleague is also retiring at the same time.
The only thing she was thinking on the way to Seattle was who is going to be captain now that her father is no longer a part of 19.
Little did she know he manages to make a team, very precisely picked. He hand picked every member of that team and the only one missing was Andy.
After a few hours Andy landed in Seattle. Her hometown. She felt at peace, she was home.
Her best friend waited for her at the airport so excited to see her again.
They stayed in touch and she was visiting Andy in LA a few times but she didn't know that Andy is back for good and that she will join the team in a couple of days. That was a surprise.

- Mayaaa, oh how I missed you. You look amazing, still runs in the morning, right? Firefighting is treating you good I guess.

- One and only Andrea Herrera welcome home. Maya spoke.

Yes and yes as you can see I'm good.

Tell me everything I missed since we spoke on the phone.

- Well nothing much. Andy started... her face went sad... I quit the job in LA. I didn't feel happy there. I miss my home, you, my dad... I'm back for good. Surprise. Andy smiled.

- Oh my god Andyyyy, really? Why didn't tell me? Maya said little offended.

- I wanted to be a surprise. And guess what I got a chance to be at 19.

- Really? Wow, amazing. Maya said surprised but she knew all of that already but needed to act surprised and apparently Andy didn't realize Maya was faking it.

They headed to the apartment so they can get ready.
After a few hours it was time to go to the party. They dressed nice, not too elegant but still appropriate for the event. Both wearing dresses and heels. They looked hot and they knew it.

- Wow Andy you look hot. Maya said.

- Well thank you. You too. Andy answered.

The two of them graduated academy together, got different stations but remained friends.
Andy didn't find it awkward that Maya is going to attend the party because they are friends and Pruitt know her and he wanted every important person in Andy's life to be there.

After Andy left Seattle, station went on some changes. Station was run by her dad and team that he made slowly needed to be replaced because all of them were the same age and they needed to retire. Pruitt made his team at 19 and now it's his turn to made a team that will be Andy's.
First to join the 19 was Travis, he requested a transfer after his husband died. After 2 months Jack and Dean joined from different stations but Pruitt knew they were together at the academy and that they are friends.
Three months before retirement he brought Vic and Maya. Vic and Travis immediately clicked and became friends.
Ben joined as a probie. He was a good addition to the team because he was a surgeon, before that anesthesiologist. Although he changed quite a bit of jobs and professions, Pruitt knows that he will be the reasonable one in the team and they will need that.

He watched them work together and he taught them a lot of things they will need in the future.
Once he won't be there to show them.
Yes, he was ill. Andy doesn't know yet. He just found out. That's why he needed to do this, while he is still well enough. To make Andy's family at 19 because that is all that she will have once he dies and her mom already dead and she being an only child, he really needed to make this work.

The only trouble he has is to find a good match for the captain position.
He founded the right person but Ripley needs to convince him to come back to Seattle and maybe he succeeded. After 10 years it was time.

Andy hated surprises and yet she didn't know that she will receive one very soon.

She was nervous but excited at the same time .

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