The Whispering

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Purple was all Beatrice could see. The portal expanded, then contracted around her form like a jellyfish bobbing through the murky sea. She felt nauseous, her lunch threatening to spill out of her stomach as she zoomed through the space time continuum. Images of Ava's dead body flashed past her eyes as she was tipped upside down by the jelly-like portal, the memory still so fresh that she could almost feel the blood wrapping around her wrists like vines, could see Adriel ripping the halo out of the brunette's back victoriously as she crumpled like a ragdoll. 

The jelly substance lurched forward, a strangled cry leaving her throat. Briefly, she caught a glimpse of the stars twinkling against the navy canvas of God's gallery, dripping like fresh paint. But then the painting was gone, replaced once more by her new vessel, as it jerked from left to right before dumping its contents against the fresh new gravel. 

The jagged rocks sank into soft flesh, nibbling greedily against the skin, drawing out tentacles of crimson. Beatrice hissed in annoyance, wiping the tentacles against her combat gear, wincing as the cuts reacted to the new oxygen in the atmosphere. It was dirtier air, filled with far more bacteria, causing her neurons to react in an allergic manner, not used to this new place. 

Where am I? She thought as her eyes combed over her surroundings, looking for any similarities or anything peculiar. Rocky mountains and sun kissed fields full of yellowish shrubbery stretched out before her, the distant sound of a waterfall thundering nearby. The gravel path stretched out in two directions, with no directions to guide any passer-by's. Was this really where her friends were? 

Deciding to head in the direction of the waterfall―knowing hydration would be vital to survive during her travels―she began the stroll down the right hand path. The rocky cliffs were jagged and menacing, shrouding the walkway in shadows. The nun felt an eerie chill run down her spine, her hand tightening on her shuriken on instinct. In the distance, a wolf howled, another answering its call as the winds increased drastically. 

"Beatrice," a soporific voice whispered in the dark haired woman's ear, causing her to raise her weapon whilst spinning on her heels to face her opponent. 

There was no one there, only a creaking tree that had materialised from thin air. It swayed to an unknown beat, its branches snaking forward, as if they longed to wrap her up in their arms to join the dance. 

"Beatrice," the voice cooed once more, this time spoken in Camila's voice. "We wanted you to fight for us, Bea. But you didn't. You're a failure." 

The gravel began to spread apart, cracks forming in the concrete as leaves and then bark curled out of the ground, a leering expression on the tree's face. It's apples were a sour yellow, some of them half rotten, causing wasps to swarm around the disintegrated fruit. "Now, now, Camila," the tree teased in a sing song voice, elbowing its twin. It sounded exactly like Mary. "She had no choice, remember? Her little lover died. How...tragic." 

"Poor, poor, traumatised Bea," Camila leered, sticking out her soured tongue. The tree closed the hole that was it's mouth, causing squirrels who had misinterpreted the mouth for a hole to squeak in distress as the monster swallowed them whole, belching rudely. "How delightful. I do love some raw squirrel, don't you, Mary?" 

"You're not real," Beatrice whispered, frozen in shock. How dare these demons use the voices of her pure, selfless friends? "You're not them. They're safe here. You―you're not them!" she cried in pain. 

"That's right, they're safe," a third tree, swarmed by insects and damp with rot spoke savagely from behind her. This one was definitely Lilith, if the voice was any indication. "Your friends are safe and happy without you. But here you are, trying to drag them back into a war where you'll all die!" 

"Selfish!" Camila shrieked, waving her limbs erratically in the air. 

"Coward! Worthless!" Mary sneered scornfully. 

"Sinner!" Lilith spat in disgust, wrapping a bony branch around Beatrice's throat. 

"I hate you!" Shannon bellowed, appearing as a hateful pile of scorched leaves and twigs, two menacing red eyes glaring straight into her soul. (A/N: I can hear people making their gay jokes like, 'ha, straight. Unlike me.' Or is that just me?) 

"I'LL NEVER LOVE YOU!" Ava's voice boomed, louder than the waterfall's shrieking. 

Beatrice plummeted to the ground, landing into a pair of awaiting arms as the demons got the better of her. Again. 

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