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This was the first time Effie has been sent to the control room, where Seneca Crane and the other Gamemakers controlled the Games.

"Mr. Crane?" Effie said in a small voice at the entrance of the room. Seneca was too occupied with giving orders to the other Gamemakers to hear Effie, so she cleared her throat and tapped the heel of her new capitol boots noisily on the floor. "Mr. Crane," she said, louder this time.

Seneca turned around abruptly to face Effie, and so did all the other Gamemakers. "Yes?" he replied with a hand to his chin and his eyebrows knitted as if he were thinking too hard. His eyes told Effie he had no patience at the moment. "What is it, Miss..." Seneca trailed off, his eyebrows knitting together even more. "What is your name?"

"Effie Trinket," Effie said hastily. "It's Effie, Mr. Crane." She gave him a nervous smile.

"I see. You may call me Seneca if you'd like, Miss Trinket," he replied. Seneca turned to the other Gamemakers, raising his voice. "Go back to work. Keep that Girl On Fire busy." Seneca directed his attention back to Effie and approached her. "Why are you here, Miss Trinket?"

"Well, President Snow would like to see you in his office," Effie said, avoiding Seneca's gaze.

"Miss Trinket, can you look at me when you're speaking?" Seneca asked firmly, but kindly.

"I'm sorry, Mr.-"

"Seneca. Call me Seneca," he paused, hesitating for a moment, "Effie." He said her name carefully, as if something would happen if he said it wrong.

Effie laughed nervously and tried to meet Seneca's eyes. "Alright, Seneca, President Snow is waiting," she said as she gestures towards the hall.

"Oh, of course." Seneca turned back to the other Gamemakers, saying, "Excuse me, for a moment, everyone. I won't be long. I'll be at the Snow's office." He turned back to Effie, nodding. "Alright, let's go."

The only sound in the hallway was of Effie's boots loudly tapping every step she took. Effie found it awkward during the long walk. She was about to say something, but Seneca beat her to it, clearing his throat. "So, Effie, what is your place in the Capitol?"

"I do the Reapings. And I am the escort of District 12's tributes," Effie explained.

"Are you?" Seneca said, trying to be enthusiastic.

"Yes," Effie said slowly. "And I see you are the head Gamemaker."

"I am."

"You do a nice job," Effie said while awkwardly smiling at Seneca. She didn't know what else to say.

"Thank you," Seneca replied. There's another awkward pause, but then Seneca cleared his throat. "Well, the District 12 girl that you've escorted-she gives quite a hard time, now doesn't she?"

"Oh, yes," Effie agreed, "with her having no manners and whatnot."

Seneca smiled at Effie, the amusement clear in his eyes. "And the boy from the same district. What do you think of him?"

"Peeta? Well, he has more manners than Katniss, that's for sure."

Seneca chuckled and gestured towards Effie. "Well, I see that you like to be in style," he said awkwardly. Why couldn't I have thought of something else to say? Seneca asked himself. That was stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"Oh." Effie looked down at herelf, laughing nervously. "Yes. I do. Thank you," she responded. "You look nice as well."

"Thank you," Seneca said, and he clapped his hands together. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Effie. But I should get going, since that we've now arrived at President Snow's office," he said while stopping and gesturing towards the room at the end of the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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