The new student

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Third Person's P.O.V.
Draco watches as the train rolled by the open plains and mountains. The chatter of other students could be heard in the cart but Draco paid no attention to them. It was his fifth year at the school and things were changing. Now with the mark of the Deatheater forever etched in his skin, his life would be different, living a life of a Deatheater in training, and as a student. He regretted coming here but didn't complain once. Suddenly, someone brought Draco out of his trace. "Rumor is that there's a new kid joining this year." Draco looked over at the boy sitting across from him. Blaise leaned back against the seat calmly, his arms crossed. Draco let out a scoff, not believing him.

"And how would you know, Blaise?" He asked with a challenging look. He wasn't one to be messed with but Blaise and Pansy were two exceptions.

"Everyone has been talking about her." Blaise explained, not bothering to try and show off. He may have been close to Malfoy but didn't dare cross the line with him.

"I'm sure there isn't anything special about her." Pansy said in the same bitter and cold voice she always used. Draco glanced over at her with a cold glare.

"It won't matter. I'm not going to bother myself with anyone this year." Draco muttered, looking out at the scenery until they return to school for another school year.

The great hall was alive with the students' talking and chatting, welcoming the new students to the school. Draco was sitting at the table, pushing his plate of food away from him. He was too lost in thought to bother about eating. The chatter of students quickly quiet down, causing Draco to look up at the sudden silence. Dumbledore stood at the front, trying to gather everyone's attentions. "As you know, a new wave of first years have come to our school, and we have welcomed them with open arms. But there is another student, a fifth year student who has come to our school. Skyler Moor." The doors open, the crowd of students going silent as the new student walked through the room. Draco watched as she made her way to the headmaster. Her dark, straight hair fell over her shoulder, eyes a piercing green with delicate yet dangerous features. Her eyes flicker across the room, meeting eyes with Draco who could only watch as if lost in a trance. She turned back to greet the head master, who led her to Professor Mcgonagall with the sorting hat.

Draco watched as she took a seat. As if the room couldn't even be more quiet, it quieted down more, listening for which house she would be sorted into. People around Draco cheered with delight, and it was at that moment that he realized which house she was in. "Slytherin!" The sorting hat called as the Slytherin house erupted in celebration. Draco looked down at the table, not helping the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. He couldn't understand why he felt so proud or even the littlest of delight about this girl. She was just another student, another person to build up walls against. He shook his head, pushing her away from his thoughts. He glanced down the table, seeing her being welcomed by the others of her house. "What difference does it make?" He muttered. "She's just another student." He said cold, not realizing he was heard.

"What was that, Malfoy?" Draco looked up, seeing that one of the other students around Skyler had heard him. He gathered his books, standing up as he walked past them.

"I said she's nothing more than another student. Just because she's new doesn't make her special in any way." He spoke up, glaring at Skyler who brushed the hair out of her face, giving him a challenging look. Draco looked away from her, walking out of the great hall as he stormed back to his room.

Students walked in and out of the great hall, the small sound of them talking echoing off the walls. Draco was busy studying, something he hardly did but luckily it kept his mind off of everything. Almost a week had gone by since Skyler had come to Hogwarts and Draco tried his best to avoid her despite the small part of him wanting to at least get to know her. He pushed her away, telling himself she was a distraction. He heard someone sitting across from him but he ignored them. Draco didn't really bother himself with making friends, knowing that it wouldn't be worth his time. Besides, once they figured out what was on his arm, they would run away from him.

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