Chapter 24

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It took Annalissa what should've been a month's injury a week to heal.

It was shocking to the doctors but to those who knew her, it was because of her system had taken worse than now. Nevertheless, she was discharged on the second week since the doctors were not certain of her condition yet.

So she had to take a whole week off from school and gang business. These facts were kept secret from other gangs from safety of course.

Now, because of the incident, it was played on the news and her gangs who was in the hospital had almost been bombarded by the reporters. Of course, with just one look from Annalissa's glare and the warrant the hospital got, they finally back away. Luckily, with pulling some strings, it had been called an accident for a foreigner trespassing.

Now, it was a Saturday when Annalissa and Alec got back to Cali. The rest had minor injuries had went back first with only the two left. "Lisa, where are we going?"

They had stopped in front of a 20-stories building of a high marketing brand. Annalissa had wore a navy blue off shoulder clothes that reached her mid thigh and a pair of Black jeans with a pair of short black heels. It was a sort of formal/casual wear while Alec wore a white T-shirt with a navy blue jacket and a pair of long blue jeans. "Just follow me. There's some business I have to attend to first."

When they entered, some workers had greeted her as she headed to the top floor. When they reached, it was an office as wide as a 2LDK. It was built because the previous one was lazy to go back home. Stuck in a sea of papers ( -_-)||. She plopped herself in the boss's seat as Alec sat down on the sofa and took out a book.

"What are we doing here? Oh, and there's someone at the door." Alec asked as a knock came into the room. "could you get it Alec?" Annalissa said as she was placing and organizing the papers  from the bag she brought with to the U.S. Getting a small OK from Alec, he went and opened the door to find a nervous looking man standing behind it.

"Lisa! The fidgety guy is here!" Alec called her out as the man made himself known. He had Black hair and wore a grey suit as he was the assistant president of this company though he seemed like a coward.

"B-Boss, you came!" he lunged forward and hugged her which surprised her as she sat up straight. Alec had gotten used to this as he was the only one that dared to do so.

"I'm sorry for the delay Aston, it seems I had an accident." She replied as he finally pulled away and stood upright with a business aura around him now. he totally made a 360° in his personality as he explained.

"It's Alright. The reports are as followed and the company has been dealt well. The security leak we had done as told and is waiting the following orders ma'am."

"Alright, I've done the paperwork you sent last as well as the files for The next month. You can post this as it was approved by the government. The activities will be your thinking." getting a nod, she called Alec over.

"What is it?" he called out as she passed some papers to him. "check these security codes. Tell him about the strategy."

It wasn't the first time that Aston Jacobs saw the two siblings cooperate like this but it sure didn't remove the shock. From the eyes of others they may be plain or loners, even he thought so when the previous boss introduced her 3 years ago. He didn't believe it like others until she showed them her knowledge of practically everything. She had done works that a normal worker would take a year done in a hour max. She had made an impact on the small business industry towards one of the top 5 companies in the world. So they learned not to doubt her since Alec 'accidentally' told them that she knew every torture method to heart. That and one of the rivalling company that used dirty methods and let's just say they were never seen again later.

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