Chapter 6

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           Marinette stood fearfully besides Philippe as the wolves made their escape. Chat Noir had swooped in just in time to save them from the attack, but that did little to calm her rapid heartbeat. Her body froze, but not because of the cold, but from when Chat turned back to look at her. Mari remembered what scene this was now. Had Chat been hurt like in the film? That couldn't be possible. His suit would make him practically indestructible. He couldn't have been harmed whatsoever, could he? Mari didn't get to process the thought further when her partner knelt to the ground holding his arm. Slowly, he rolled over on to his side in the snow. The answer to her question had been answered. Chat Noir had been injured. Unlike Belle, Marinette quickly ran to her partner's side.

"You're going to have to help me Chaton. I'm not strong enough to lift you." She made sure to keep her voice soft as she tenderly laid her hand on his side. He rolled toward her slightly, his injured arm beneath him.

"I'm sorry Mari....I didn't..."his voice was low and strained and her heart ached to think that it was her fault he was injured.

"Shh. It's not your fault. " She replied as she brushed his bangs from his eyes. "Come on. We need to get you back to the castle." Mari assisted Chat as he sat up in her lap, still clutching his arm. It was difficult to get a glimpse of how bad it was from where she sat, but she would have a chance to look at it later. Working together, Marinette was able to seat Chat Noir in the saddle. All of Chat's energy had been drained in the battle causing him to lean over Philippe's neck. Marinette led Philippe through the snow back to the castle. Fighting the bitter cold with her pure motivation to get Chat to a safe place. He had saved her again just as he had done many times before when he had saved her as Ladybug, even if he didn't know it, but Mari knew. It was her turn know to look after her partner. He had done so much for her that it was only fair that she did something for him now. Once back at the castle, with help, Mari transferred Chat to a large chair in front of the fire. Mrs. Pots rolled in on a cart with a bowl of hot water as Plagg pattered in with worry.

"What happened!?" Plagg exclaimed as he hopped onto the arm rest.

"Plagg...." Chat grimaced, tightening his hand around his wrist. Marinette was confused. Plagg was Chat Noir's kwami. How was he Chat Noir and Plagg a....lavender panda teddy? "Take Marinette and have someone check her over. Make sure she isn't injured."

"I'm fine Chat. It's you that needs to be tended to."

"No! I promised your father that I would take care of you!"

"But you're injured!"

"I've been cataclysmed before! I can handle a simple wolf bite!"

"Chat let me help you!" Marinette was starting to get irritated. Why was he refusing help!?

"I can handle it Mari!"

"Chat why are you being so stubborn!?"

"I'm tired of everyone doing everything for me!" That wasn't the answer she had expected, then again, she wasn't sure what she expected his answer to be. Chat sighed as he looked away, his hand loosening its grip. Mari seized the opportunity and gently wrapped her fingers around the limb and hesitantly brought it toward herself. Chat didn't put up a fight, his hand releasing his wrist and resting beneath his other hand to support the weight of his muscle for her. "My civilian life is full of people that design my schedule for me. I don't get to make any decisions or do anything for myself." Marinette listened intently as Chat explained himself. She hadn't asked him to, but clearly, he was comfortable enough with her to share his troubles with her. Mari was happy to just listen to him. He had always supported her when she spilled her heart out to him, now it was her turn to be the listening ear. Carefully, Marinette rung out a small white towel and exposed the injury. She felt him shift in the chair as the wound began visible for her eyes. Mari could tell that he was watching her from the corner of his eye, making her conscious of how she was to proceed. Chat Noir relaxed his arm in her grasp as if he knew what she was thinking and was politely inviting her to tend to the tear in his suit and skin.

"I understand, but that doesn't mean you should refuse help when you actually need it." She replied as she laid the wet fabric over the gash.

"Ow!" Her partner squealed recoiling back his arm in pain. Mari flinched as he pulled away. She hadn't meant to hurt him.

"Sorry Chat." Mari whispered apologetically. Chat composed himself again and sat back down close to her. She took hold of his arm again, making sure to be even more careful as she placed the towel on his arm again. Chat grimaced but did nothing more than that.

"I don't get it. My suit makes me invincible, or it's supposed to." Chat spoke again filling the silence. Mari dabbed the towel on the cuts as she thought through the statement.

"It's probably because Plagg isn't powering your suit." The words slipped from her mouth before she could stop them.

"What do you mean by tha.....t? How....!?" Marinette felt her partner jump in surprise and confusion. Oops.

"I...uh....lucky guess....?" Mari fibbed, not knowing how to get herself out of this mishap. Chat simply let out a thoughtful huff as he sat back in the chair. Had that worked? One would think by now that she would be an excellent liar, but Marinette was pretty terrible at it. A silence fell over them as Mari took Chat's arm again.

"It would make sense." He finally said as she dipped the cloth back in the water, turning it a light shade of pink. "What doesn't make sense is how I'm able to be Chat Noir without Plagg powering my suit."

"Well, we are in Beauty and the Beast."

"What's that got to mean?" Chat was obviously puzzled.

"Think about it." Marinette began flinging water from the towel as she turned to the cart. "The prince was turned into a beast by magic. You're a superhero...and I would assume that you turn into said superhero by magic. Not that I would know that of course. Uh..." Was she even making sense or was she digging herself into a deeper hole? Chat Noir raised an eyebrow. "At the end of the story I'm sure you'll be reverted back to your secret identity, just like the beast turned back into Prince Adam. That's the only correlation that makes sense to me. I just don't know why you and Plagg were separated."

"Different type of magic I suppose. Plagg has a time limit. Then again, I can't use my powers, so the time limit isn't in play." The two began to think. Her partner had a point. Setting down the towel, Mari picked up the cloth bandages. Delicately, she began to wrap the wound. "I guess it links back to me having control of the situation. I only transform when I want or need to transform. In Beauty and the Beast, the prince has no choice but to be the beast. If Plagg was powering my abilities, then I'd be able to transform whenever I wanted." Chat's words made complete sense. How had she not thought of that? It was as plain as day. Well, it should have been anyway. Tying off the bandages, Marinette released her partner's arm. He took a moment to look over her handy work, seemingly impressed with it. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." With that the evening ended smoother than it had begun. Each retreating to their own bedrooms, Marinette found herself feeling more worn out than ever for the first time without doing anything as Ladybug. Flopping onto her bed, she closed her eyes and easily drifted off to sleep. The first few scenes behind them, there was only the whole fairytale and an akuma fight ahead of them.

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