Chapter 15

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       Adrien sat up with a slight headache. Wasn't he dead? If he was dead, where was he? It looked like he was at the castle. Well, that didn't make sense, he was dead. Wasn't he? He didn't feel the pain of his wounds anymore. Adrien was so confused. For sure he was dead. At least that's what he thought until he heard the familiar sound of Marinette's tearful gasps. If Marinette was here, that meant......he was alive!? Marinette! Did this mean she had confessed!? A true confession!? On further inspection of his hands, Adrien realized he wasn't wearing his suit. The transformation!? Had it happened? If he was truly alive, then it would make sense that it did. His eyes shifted from himself to his friend. She stood in shock; her hands cupped around her mouth, as her chest heaved up a sob. Was she freaking out cause he was alive; or because he was Adrien Agreste? She shook her head and before he knew it, Marinette sprinted toward him and collapsed in his lap. Throwing her arms around him she broke down, her tears easily soaking into his shirt.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" Once over the initial shock of her presence, Adrien wrapped his arms around his friend and laid his cheek upon the top of her head. This was real. As the reality sunk in, Adrien pulled Marinette tighter, their fingers twisting into each other's hair as he did so.

"I'm sorry M'lady." It was nice to know that he meant a lot to her. They were friends after all. Marinette pulled back from his grasp, her arms sliding down his neck and shoulders to rest on his chest.

"I thought I would never see you again." Mari's bright blue eyes glowed with relief and sadness. She really had been terrified. Her face was red and puffy from crying, she had cried quite a bit tonight hadn't she?

"Bugaboo..." Adrien lifted his hand and laid it tenderly on the girl's cheek. She peered up into his eyes, his own interlocking with hers. He could tell that her mind was reeling as she too processed the reality. What he wanted to know was if she had realized that it was him under the mask? Would she accept that it was him?



"It was you!? All this time!?" Marinette's hands clenched the collar of his jacket tightly, doing so in such a way she pulled him down toward her. His face was now inches from hers causing the temptation to kiss her wash over him.

"Afraid so M'lady." He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. She didn't seem to be upset that it was him behind the mask, more surprised on the revelation. He couldn't say the same about his reaction to her identity. It hadn't been surprising, in fact it made sense to him, the two girls were so similar it only made sense that they were the same chick. Marinette was Ladybug, and it didn't matter which one she was, he loved her all the same. Hopefully, she did too. He wouldn't be alive if she didn't have true feelings for Chat Noir, but did she accept Adrien Agreste? "However, I could be asking you the same question." His voice was sly as he went on to tease her, his fingers twisting the tendrils of her hair as he leaned in. He searched her expression for confirmation, to make sure she was okay with what he was about to do. That's when he noticed the black studs in her ears, the faint red line around them, a definite giveaway. Yup, Marinette was Ladybug.

"Adrien, I...." Mari spoke with raspy breaths as she too leaned in. Sliding his hand back past her cheek, over the earrings, and to the back of her neck, Adrien began to pull her closer. He felt her breath catch on his chin as their noses brushed, his eyes fluttering closed as his own breath caught. Mari's lips were soft against his. The sensation of joy spread throughout his body, he never wanted this to end. It seemed as though he didn't need to worry about that, before he knew it Marinette tugged on his collar and then threw her arms around the back of his head, deepening the kiss as she sat up on her knees. He liked this. Adrien didn't dare break the kiss when the recognizable rush of magic surged over their bodies. The breeze of the magic flying through their hair as it passed by before exploding like fireworks in the sky. For a moment, they broke apart and gazed up toward the sound. Adrien smiled, they had done it, they had reached the happily ever after. They'd broken the spell. He lowered his chin down slightly to peer up into Marinette's eyes. Their bluebell color glimmering the same way he always saw them. This was the Marinette he knew and loved. Together they let out a satisfied breath and laughed joyfully as they pressed their foreheads together.

"Princess, have I ever told you that I love you?" Briefly, Adrien opened his eyes, the tips of her bangs tickling the edges of his lashes.

"Ohm, you might need to tell me again." She replied with a huff as she twisted her fingernails into his hair. Was she flirting with him!? Whether or not she was, Adrien didn't care, he liked it, and he was hooked. She bent her neck down, their lips coming in contact to steal another kiss from the reality that had kept them apart for so long. The magic of the fireworks sprinkled down around them. Adrien knew it was for the scene around them, but he was too focused on the girl of his dreams to care. Her body pressed against his, a fluttery feeling blooming in his chest. Suddenly his knees locked and his back stiffened. The hand he had on Marinette's waist no longer pressed against soft fabric, but a tight spandex type. She was lower than him now too, meaning he was the one leaning down towards her. What just happened? Clearly, she had noticed the change as well as she slowly pulled herself away from him. Adrien gave in unwillingly. He didn't want the magic of the moment taken from him, though he knew at some point it would have to be. Better to knock it out know than later. Releasing each other they took in their surroundings. It was their own timeline. They were back in modern Paris. The paved streets, tall buildings, tipped over cars, crowds of screaming people, etc. All easily recognizable to the two heroes. Upon the transition, the two had been retransformed into their hero identities again. Had the whole city witnessed their kiss!? If so, there was no doubt that their kiss had been captured by cameras and would be news city wide later. The Ladyblog included. They would never hear the end of this one from Alya. Adrien honestly, felt bad for Marinette. Alya was her best friend and would receive the bulk of the nagging and "I told you so's". As he thought more about, he began to feel bad for Nino. The dude wouldn't hear the end of it either, and he wasn't even involved! On top of all that, how were they going to tell Alya and Nino that he and Marinette were together now!? Why were there so many consequences and technicalities to this!? Would they even tell their friends? Well, obviously they would eventually, but when? Would there ever be a good time? Adrien's thoughts whizzed about in his brain and he was sure Marinette was going through a similar moment herself. They were so distracted by the thoughts of their current relationship that they hadn't even taken in the sight of each other as superheroes again. A fact that they would remember in a matter of seconds.

"What!?" An unfamiliar voice rang out. The akuma! They would have to worry about post-reveal stuff later. Right now, they had a job to do.

"Oh right! That problem." Chat Noir blurted as he and his lady twisted around on their heels to face the akuma victim. This story wasn't quite over yet.

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