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It was my first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I was walking towards platform 9 and 3/4 with my Mother, Father, and my twin brother, Draco. I was nervous because I wasn't sure what to expect and, our Father had been hounding us about making sure we got into Slytherin. I didn't see why it was such a big deal to him, but I obliged to make him happy.

Before long, we were at the barrier separating platforms nine and ten. Our Father stayed behind, and sternly said, "Slytherin." Draco and I both nodded our heads and turned to hold our mother's hand as we walked through the barrier. When we got to the other side, I was astounded by how large the train was and how crowded the platform was. I always knew the train was big, but I didn't realize it would be this big. There were hundreds of people and the train seemed to go on for miles.

Draco and I kissed our mother goodbye. We walked onto the train and were met with dozens of different compartments. We sat down in an empty one. After a few minutes, one of our Father's friend's son, Blaise Zabini sat down across from me. We talked for half an hour or so before I heard above me, "Anything off the trolley dears?" I looked up and saw a woman with a warm smile and a trolley full of any sweets imaginable. "Three chocolate frogs please," Draco said. "That will be six sickles," the woman said. Draco took six sickles out of his pocket and handed them to her. The woman set the chocolate frogs down on the table and we thanked her. Draco handed one to me and one to Blaise. I happily ate it and quickly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up what felt like 5 minutes later to Draco yelling "Eleanor, wake up, we're here." I quickly put on my robes and stumbled out of my compartment and ran right into a tall red-haired boy. He was probably one of the hottest guys I had ever seen. He looked to be 13, maybe 14. "S-sorry," I said quickly. "I'm Fred, and you are?" "Eleanor" "Eleanor Malfoy," I said. "I need to go catch up to my brother bye," I said maybe a little too quickly. He raised a brow at me but said goodbye. I walked past him, practically shaking, running to catch up to Draco and Blaise. "How was your summer, Eleanor," Blaise said. "Pretty good, Draco has been a twat though." Blaise chuckled.

As we stepped off the train we heard a very tall man, who told us his name was Hagrid saying "First years come with me." We walked towards him and stepped into a boat. As we rowed across the lake, we continued talking about our summer. Blaise's mom's husband had just died under mysterious circumstances. This was her 5th one. We all knew she was the one killing them but didn't say anything. We finally got to the other side of the lake and stepped out. As we walked up to the castle, I looked up in amazement. I had never seen anything like it.

We walked into the castle and it was much warmer than it had been outside. I looked up at the paintings and realized they were talking to us. I stared in astonishment. The photos in our house moved, but none of them talked. "What are you looking at kid?" one of them said. I quickly looked away. It was strangely quiet in the corridor as everyone looked around at their surroundings. Finally, we reached the Great Hall. A tall woman, who introduced herself as Professor McGonnagal started calling names. "Seamus Finnigan." A boy walked up to a stool and sat down. The woman put a hat on his head and after a few seconds, the hat yelled, "Gryffindor."

This went on for a while until Draco was being called. Before the hat had even touched his head, it yelled out "Slytherin!" Draco had a smug smile on his face as he walked to the Slytherin table. They all congratulated him. Suddenly Professor McGonnagal was calling out "Eleanor Malfoy." I walked up to the stool, feeling as if my legs would give out at any moment, and sat down. She put the hat on my head and it almost immediately said, "Gryffindor!" My heart sank. I knew that my father would find out and I didn't even want to think about what would happen when he did.

Draco glanced up at me, but as soon as I met his eyes, he quickly looked away. A tear rolled down my cheek and I was resisting the urge to start sobbing. I quickly walked to the Gryffindor table and wiped away the tear and put on a fake smile. I sat down near a girl with brown poofy hair and another boy with red hair.

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger," said the girl. "And I'm Ron, Ron Weasley," said the boy. "Hello, I'm Eleanor Malfoy." One of the last people to be sorted was Harry Potter. I had heard a lot about him. I had heard that he had defeated Lord Voldemort and that he was the only person known to survive the killing curse. He came over and sat next to Ron. "Harry, this is our new friend, Eleanor," Hermione said. "Hello Eleanor, I'm Harry," he said reaching out his hand. "Nice to meet you," I said, shaking his hand. "Maybe this won't be so bad," I thought.

So I got a little carried away on this chapter. I planned on it being just the train part but I couldn't stop wring and now it's almost 1000 words long. Also it's about to be 1 a.m. and I have school tomorrow oops. Anyways, thank you so much for reading this

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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