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~The next day~

"Isoya!" Rin yelled, chasing after the male that took one of his dango sticks. Isoya laughed and looked back at Rin. "Aw, c'mon. You know your food is delicious." He said, laying down on the grassy field. Rin stood over him, scowling down at the grey eyed boy. Isoya grinned and pulled Rin down on top of him.

"The bond between them grows stronger each hour they're together." Mephisto mumbled. The green hamster on his hat, his brother, nodded as he observed the two demons sprawled on the grass.

Isoya looked over at Rin and smiled. "It's strange. Being here." He mumbled.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Rin propped himself up to look down at the grey eyed male.
"I mean, two weeks ago, I was wandering the world, no cares to my name and no friends. But now, I've found something, someone who can understand. Someone who I'm supposed to spend eternity with? As demons, we'll live a long, long time. We'll have to watch the humans we hold dear grow older and... I don't know if I'm strong enough to watch them all leave." Isoya said quietly.

Rin was quiet for a moment. "I don't really try to think about the future, you know?" He said.
"Yeah. Let's just focus on our goals and those we care about for now." Isoya smiled, getting up and holding out his hand for Rin. He took it.

Isoya pulled Rin up easily and held him for a second. Both males froze. Isoya slowly leaned down and "Leave him alone, Isoya." Yukio's voice rang out. Isoya and Rin both jumped, a small bolt of electricity and flames leaping together as the two pulled away from each other. "What are you doing here, Yukio?"

"The after class is getting ready to start." Yukio said. "You both are going to be late if you don't hurry."
"Shit." Isoya muttered, grabbing Rin's hand and running to the door for the class.

They arrived, clothes dishelved and out of breath. "Holy crap we made it. Has the hallway always been that long?" Isoya asked. "I don't know, but it felt a lot longer than it should have." Rin said, panting.

"Wow. The two demons were too busy sucking face to get to class." Suguro said. "We did no such thing." Isoya said, glaring. "What were you doing then?" Suguro sneered. "We were talking and lost track of time. Yukio found us in the field." Isoya said honestly.

"Sure, I'll believe the son of a lying demon." Suguro said. Isoya bit his tongue to keep from lashing out about Suguro's own father. "Let's just sit down, Rin." Isoya muttered.
"Just because you're trying to be a peace keeper doesn't mean you're a good person. You'll always be a demon like him." Suguro muttered.

Isoya growled and slammed his hands on the desk, nearly breaking it. "Shut up, bastard. Just because you hate Satan, doesn't mean you can treat Rin and me like shit. We have our own issues with Satan and we want to take him down just like you, damnit."

Rin put a hand on Isoya's shoulder. Isoya looked over, seeing Rin's hair sticking straight up. Isoya looked at his hands, electricity was jumping around him. He took a deep breath and looked down. "I haven't sparked like that since I was five." Isoya said quietly.

"Well, that was quite the show." Yukio said, drawing Isoya's gaze. Yukio had his pistol pointed at Isoya, right where Rin was standing. His eyes zeroed in on the pistol and he pushed Rin behind him to try and protect him. Electricity started sparking around Isoya more violently, the wings appearing and wrapping around Rin with a sheet of pure energy between the bone like structures of the wings. Isoya's eyes we're blown wide and looking at every potential threat.

Yukio looked caught off guard, as he started to lower the gun he had accidentally fired at the sight of the wings. Isoya kept his eyes darting around, making sure Rin was safe first and foremost. He hadn't even felt the bullet from the gun hit his shoulder. "Isoya, what the hell?" Rin asked. Isoya's breathing evened out and his eyes stopped darting around.

Rin gently moved the wings away from himself and looked at Isoya. "I... I don't know what happened." Isoya said, trembling. "I do." Mephisto appeared in the doorway.

"M- Director." Isoya said in surprise.
"Isoya, Mephisto is fine you know." He said. Isoya looked down. "What the hell just happened?" Miwa asked.
"Ah, yes. Yukio threatened a demon's mate. The first instinct is to protect them at all costs. Even if it means they could die." Mephisto said as Rin looked at the bullet hole. "Shit. That hurts." Isoya muttered as Rin dabbed at the wound with a cloth.

"Sorry, but I'm just trying to get at least some of the blood." He said quietly.
"Wait, but then why didn't Rin go into a frenzy as well?" Shima asked.
"His demonic powers and form are quelled by the sword." Isoya muttered.
"Or are supposed to be." Rin added.
"My flames are still really strong." He said. Isoya gently grabbed Rin's wrist when Rin started to shake.

"Hey, Mephisto, I'm going to take Rin to a quiet place to calm down, is that okay?" Isoya asked. Mephisto nodded. "Of course."
"Thank you." Isoya led Rin out of the room and down the hallway. Rin's shaking got worse. "Hey, look at me Rin. I'm okay. See?" Isoya said softly.
"That scared me. A lot." Rin quietly confessed. Isoya gave him a gentle smile and kissed his forehead.

"It's okay. Yukio didn't know what was happening. He just wanted to protect you too." Isoya said.
"I know, but the idea of losing you was terrifying. Even if I haven't accepted you yet." Rin said.

"Oh, the bond is there. It's been solidified between you two." Mephisto said, appearing next to them. "Holy fuck. How long were you there?" Isoya asked. "Long enough." Mephisto said, smiling. "What bond?" Rin asked.
"The mate bond. It's usually solidified with a kiss, but in your case, it seems that it solidified with an argument." He said. "What?"

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