Prologue Part 2

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This chapter is just about the basics of her life. Sorry it might be a bit boring but I don't want you guys to be confused. Thank you for reading, it means a lot to me. Also how many of you guys are from tik Tok?

I was one and Cedric was two when our mom died. The specifics of her death are unknown but we know it was the killing curse that was used on her. I feel like I'm supposed to feel sad and broken because I don't have my mother. Which sometimes I do, but I don't remember her. It's hard to dwell or grieve about the death of someone you don't remember. I mean it hurts when I see a mother and daughter doing motherly and daughterly things in public because I know I'll never have that, but I'm used to it. Have been for the past 15 years.

I don't remember anything about my mom. I mean how could I? I was one when she died. I was told that she had the looks of a goddess and was an ex-death eater who betrayed Voldermort. That surprises me because the pictures and the way people describe her to me, makes her seem like the nicest person ever.

I was given my mother's old book, pictures, and a locket when she died. The book is about old curses and magic that are rarely used today and the locket doesn't even open. My dad says that it has old magic in it so that's why it doesn't open. But I've tried everything to open it and nothing has worked. So I gave up and now just wear it around my neck like a regular necklace. My dad smiles every time he sees it on me. Saying, "That was her favorite necklace. Merlin... you look just like her."

It was hard for my dad when our mother died. He came back from the muggle world after going there to hide from Voldemort. Thankfully when we returned the Weasleys were there to help us. They helped him with raising Cedric and me. Which I didn't mind, we got to spend many holidays at the burrow with them.

The closest thing to a mother figure that I have is Molly Weasley. The Weasleys and my parents have been close friends for years now. They meet each other at Hogwarts and now Mr. Weasley and my dad work together. They were so close that they also wanted their kids to be close. Especially Ron and I. That meant going on vacations together and sleepovers at the burrow. They did everything to make us become best friends, which I guess we were for a while. But we are the exact opposites. I would rather go read a book or study than play wizard chess with Ron. And we were also always at each other's throats 24/7.

He would make comments about my huge crush on his older brother Fred. Yes, I did... Yes, I do have a big crush on Fred. Yes I know it's pathetic. But how can you not have a crush on him. He's goofy, funny, rule breaker, and got good looks. And he also doesn't look bad with red hair. Unlike Ron, which I make sure to remind and tease him about every time I see him.

Anyways, when I was sorted into Slytherin we grew apart. Ron became best friends with Hermione and Harry Potter. I on the other hand became closer to my other childhood best friend Isabella, I call her Izzie. She has blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She loves animals, especially butterflies, and my brother, Cedric. Disgusting. Izzie is by far the nicest person I have ever met. She was one of the only people who truly didn't mind that I was sorted into Slytherin.

When I asked her about how she felt about the whole thing, she told me, "I don't care Corlette. That's the reason why I became friends with you. Because I knew you would be sorted into Slytherin and me Hufflepuff. Which meant that I needed a Slytherin to protect me, aka you." She walked away with the biggest smile. Merlin, I love her.

When I was sorting into Slytherin I also became close with a girl named Pansy Parkinson. We share the same dorm and lucky for us we don't have to share with anyone else. The only bad thing about living with Pansy, other than she's a mess, is that she loves to bring girls to our dorm to hook up with. People call her a whore and make up rumors about her, but they're just jealous they can't get with as many girls as she can.

Pansy is the one who helped me bring out more of my Slytherin personality. She also introduced me to Blaise, Theo, and Draco. Who are now my best friends. They were all childhood best friends which made me feel uncomfortable at first. But they soon let me in their little group after I made a comment about Draco's platinum greased back hair. Theo saying "I like this one pansy."

Now we hang out and smoke 24/7 together. Everyone is scared of us, probably because of Draco and his "Ill telling my father about this" threats. He loves to talk shit about everyone. It only bothers me when it's to the Weasleys or Izzie. One time he said Izzie's voice was annoying. And well let's just say he was throwing up slugs all night due to me.

Anyways... I have different relationships with the members of my friend group. Theo and I have a more physical touch relationship. For example, he usually puts his arm over my shoulders when we're walking in the hall or I put my head on his shoulder. I've had my best laughs and memories with Theo. And he has such a fun personality and doesn't take orders from other people, especially Draco.

Pansy has a more wild personality. She usually uses me as her wingman to lure the girls in. Which is fun until she brings them back to our dorm and I walk in on them doing the deed. But even though she is gay, she has amazing boy advice. Like you would think she's a professional or something. Pansy is also my hype person and we usually have midnight dance parties.

Blaise and I also became really close. We go to Hogsmeade all the time, either getting butterbeer or going through the shops looking at clothes. He loves to pick out outfits for me and criticize the clothes. I mean I wasn't surprised, his mom is Mrs. Zabini. She is an icon. She knows how to get what she wants by making every man fall head over heels for her.

I can't describe Draco and I's relationship. We have different views on many things. We do and don't get along. I snapped back when he makes rude comments or assumptions, surprising him because not many people talk back to him and every straight girl is in love with him. Which I don't get because he's got the personality of a douchebag.

Being a Slytherin came with its perks and downsides. At first, Cedric and I grew apart. His views on Slytherins aren't good and it had effects on our relationship. For example, during the first year, he would only give me a weak smile when we crossed paths in the hallway. But eventually, he got over his ridiculous and finally started to be the cooky, annoying, smartass brother that I knew and loved. Now he teases and jokes about me being a Slytherin.

So yeah that's my life. The only Slytherin girl in a Hufflepuff family. Also motherless. But hey, like I'm told every day, at least I have the great, strong, knowing, handsome Cedric Diggory in my life. Merlin, my life was screwed from the start.

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