The Weirdos of High School(pic of bugsy)

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--------------------------------- Bugsy pov

ITS MORNING" gah first day of school here we come they are gonna be blinded by my awesomness" "(clearing of the throat) excuse me don't you mean our awesomness" asked Binkie (aka my best friend and we bonded through our weird but amazing names in preschool) through the phone. " nope I outshine you sucka bye see you" I replied quickly hung up before she could retaliate hmm what to wear it needs to be cool then yet again everything I own is cool... I know some jeggings and a hoddie "purrfect" grr why cant I do the rolling of the r's its so unfair. Hey Wally don't laugh at me " your even more embarising than mom" he snickered. I rolled my eyes "don't hate just appreciate gee no need to hate on mwah just cuz you ain't got all of this, besides I'm still older than you by two years little bro and you still watch power rangers so ba bye" I said shutting the door in his face.

30 minutes later

"Bugsy" screamed Binkie "Binkie" I screamed back "I missed you my sister from another mister" said Binkie while we hugged. Mwahaha phase one of never being forgotten in high school complete. Ok so you might be wondering what this is all about well in 6th grade graduation me, Binkie, and a couple other friends made a deal...

Flashback in bugsys pov 


"OMG im gonna miss you so much" wailed Victoria as she sobbed into my shoulder "Its ok we'l text like crazy till we have a bunch of muscles in our fingers" I joked and then she left. humming to myself I went to go get cake which reminds me I have a craving for it now wait back to the story right... "bugs" aka me whisper yelled my smurf lover friend Lollie if you havnt put it together me and my crew lol it sounds so weird saying crew so we all have unique names which we wear with pride. "yah" I whisper yelled back "come be an assassin with me so we can scare Micky" aka her twin brother who does not have a cool name but you can tell he's a bore by just looking at him. " Ok " I said so there we were crawling on the floor when all of a sudden we run into a pair of legs. " Oi cant you see we're crawling here dimwit your gonna blow our cover get us killed" snapped Lolli giving the dude a glare. That's when we realized it was Doll which no isn't a girl its a guy with a non swag name that's just girly and he has a crush on one of our close friends Beckster and normally we wouldn't have a problem with that since she's really pretty but he's the creepiest stalkiest jerkiest mcjerk face that tries to touch her so yah "wow hey there" he said scratching his neck " O don't you play all nicey nice with me im onto you and I know everything you've done" said Lollie standing up with her hands on her hips glaring at him.

"Ok im just gonna go" he rushed out and ran away "wimp" she screamed after him but then we started laughing hystericaly since he ran into an old lady and hade her get cake all over her so she took some and smeared it on him but didn't let him leave until she gave him a lecture. I walked over and gave the lady a tissue and said "mam im so sorry its just doll over here has a thing against the elderly so don't be offended he hates them all even his grandma". She gasped and hit him with her cane going on about his disrespect towards the elderly he glared at me while I just smiled cheekily and winked.

At that moment we were joined by Beckster and Binkie who were laughing at some joke.

And this is where it happened we ended up making a pact saying that in highschool we would never be forgotten. To most they'd think "o they're gonna become sluts and all to not be forgotten" but no we plan on being the weirdest of the weird but in a good way of course.

So now we make and awesome group we have lollie the blondie she's the only blond in our group and watching her fight with her bro is hilarious, then we have beckster who's probably the least weird out of all of us and more on the fashion popular side, then there's binkie she's just plain awesome and obsessed with minions and the Big Bang theory, and me the lazy artist who watches a bunch of shows like castle,bones ect.

Now let the fun begin,  high school you're gonna be blown away.

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