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When Jack and I got back to school on Monday, the teachers wanted an update on when the back wall would be done.

And naturally, I told them it would be done before we left today, since it was the last day of school.

Well, we technically had school tomorrow, but we spent the whole day on the graduation. The ceremony itself wouldn't last long, but there were many event and small parties for certain clubs.

This lead to a very stressful day, which was totally the last thing I needed right now.

I had decided that if I skipped lunch I would have more time to work on it, but once it was lunch time and I still hadn't gone to get some, Jack quickly figured out my plan and made me go get something to eat.

So here I was, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in one hand and a paint brush in the other, trying to eat and paint at the same time.

"Bexley?" Jack said, and I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Hmm?" I said as I leaned closer to one of the wooden walls, intent on getting a certain detail just right.

"How about you take a moment to relax and eat? Instead of doing both?" He asked, and I turned to look at him.

Jack looked worried, and possibly even a bit scared. I mean it was his job to be worried for me, but this was the 'I really like you and you're worrying me so please stop'  kind of face.

Even though us liking each other had already been established, knowing that he was worried like that made me smile inside.

For his sake, I sat down the paint brush and ate, finishing my lunch in about ten minutes. After that, I got right back to work on the detailing.

I had my Bluetooth earbuds with me, that way Jack and I could both listen to music without disturbing anyone that walked by.

I mouthed the words to songs as I painted, sometimes even softly singing along.

....... her voice is amazing......

I smiled, and turned just in time to see Jack blush, realizing he had unintentionally said that through our telepathic link.

"You think my voice is amazing?" I asked.

"Y-yeah," he said, obviously embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed. I thinks it's sweet. It's a nice compliment. Thanks," I said.

Jack smiled. "You're welcome."

To be truthful, other than Uncle Dave, Jack was now the only other person alive who had heard me sing.

I went back to gently placing the last few strokes of paint on the wall, then stepped back to make sure that it was complete.

Jack stood beside me. "Are we finished?"

I turned to him, giving a slight smile. "Yep."

After a silent moment of admiration towards our work, we began to collect all the art supplies and trash, bringing it all back to the art room.

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