Chapter 10

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I woke up trying to shield my eyes from the ray of sun trying to force it's way through the curtain that was left slightly open the night before.
Even with the glass behind the curtain, the sun was still able to penetrate it's way into the room but it looked beautiful from what I saw when I was finally able to stop squinting my eyes and wake up fully.
Willams was no longer by my side but I could tell it wasn't so long before he left because I could still smell him all over the side he slept and it still felt warm. I wonder how he was able to leave without me noticing.
I stood up from the bed and stretched my body well enough to feel relaxed before walking to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.
The room was freezing so I had to turn on the heater.
I used my vanilla and lemon fragrance body wash to wash all over and brushed my teeth with the mint toothpaste gel.
I massaged my skin with my usual baby oil with vanilla essence. I preferred using that than those other over priced products laced with heavy perfume.
  I felt like a new born baby and I couldn't stop smiling to myself for no reason when I was done.
I opened the wardrobe and scratched my temples trying to think of what to wear before finally settling for my casual yellow strap hand mid thigh dress.
I pack up my natural black with brownish highlight hair long enough to my shoulders into a low pony tail before deciding to step outside to room to check on Williams.
  I heard music playing downstairs immediately I came out of the room though I couldn't place what song exactly was playing.
I also smelt food cooking that made my tummy rumble and remind me of how hungry I was.
What could he be up to?
I finally got downstairs and heard the music playing more clearly and found my way to the kitchen.
Williams didn't notice when I entered into the kitchen as he was busy whisking eggs and singing along to his loud music faced back.
He wore a fitting black T shirt that showed off his well built arm muscles and a grey sweatpants.
Since he was always the one trying to creep me out, I decided to let him know how it felt to do that to someone so I tip toed my way to his back and stood directly behind him waiting for him to turn back and see how funny his scared face reaction would be.
I stood there for only some seconds, smiling and waiting to fulfill my mission when i suddenly felt his hand pull my arms to his waist. "Morning princess" I hear him say in his usual husky deep voice as he reduces the music with his phone volume button.
I was the one planning to be the creep but I felt my heart skip a beat. How did he even notice I was there? What type of man is this?
How did you know I was behind you? I furrowed my brows and looked up to his face inquisitively.
I actually heard you walk in but I just wanted to see what you were up to, he says looking down at me smiling.
"Come here". I hear him say as he carries me with ease and made me sit on the long black and white kitchen counter in the middle of the kitchen. He looked at me with so much care and desire and he cups my cheeks in his palm stroking them which made me blush.
Did you sleep well?
Yes I did I reply shyly with a low voice while trying to set my eyes on the ground and avoid eye contact with him as much as I could.
When are you going to finally stop being shy Martha? He says behind chuckles.
It's fine though. I find it cute.
I smiled and pretended like I didn't hear his question and tried to change the topic.
What are you cooking? It smells nice.
Ohhh I'm making French toast and egg sauce.
I already made the French roasts and I was trying to add the egg to the sauce on the electric cooker before you came downstairs and distracted me with your sticking presence.
Not a bad distraction though. He says smiling after a short pause and I couldn't help but blush as usual. I wonder why I always felt so anxious when he gets like this.
Wanna help?
Of course I say trying to get down from the counter before he took me by surprise lifting me up and dropping me down with ease.
I'm going to start lifting you up too if you don't stop picking me up like a piece of paper all the time. I roll my eyes.
Haha. In your wildest dreams babe. Besides, that's what you get for being so tiny.
I'm not tiny!
Okay tiny girl. Let's finish up this cooking. You must be starving by now. I can't keep the Princess hungry.
We finally finished everything up after about ten minutes and I assisted Williams in setting the table.
We sat down and I was about to start eating when I realized I had forgotten my phone in my room.
I let out a heavy sigh at the thought of going back up.
What's wrong? He asked looking concerned.
Ohh.. it's nothing really. I just felt like being dramatic. I realized I forgot my phone upstairs and I would have to go get it.
Martha, you're really one of a kind.
What do you need it for right now? Work on a Sunday morning? He says teasingly.
I just like to be around it so I can know when it rings and also check some emails. Work related stuff and all that.
Enough of the interrogation, I'll go get it fast. Don't finish your food before I get back.
I can't promise you that ba.. I gave him a death stare before he completes his statement and he quickly changes it to haha, yes ma'am. At your service.
Better! I smile back before heading upstairs.
  I got into the room and start searching for my phone on the bed cause I could remember leaving it close to the pillow.
  I was quite an impatient person and I was already about to start cussing out when I heard it ring out loud behind me.
The loud sound of it made me jump a bit out of fright and I turned back immediately just to see the intruder of joy himself holding on to my phone smiling at me.
I call out his name in a low tone, struck on my feet trying to think of my next step with my eyes focused on him.
Looking for this? He says with a mocking tone looming at the phone and smiling at it mysteriously.
Christian what are you doing here?
That's a very rude question, Martha.
I am you and you are me. Pfttt. I live here. I just choose for you to see me when I want.
My heart skipped.
Christian, get out please. This is not a good time. I managed to let out regardless of the obvious fear within me.
He let out a brief humourless laughter being walking up to me as I kept moving back.
I moved back till my back hit the curtains and I knew that had to be my last stop.
Tears were already starting to feel my eyes at this point.
Christian please, please just go! I yelled with tears couldn't hold back any longer.
You told me you would always be here with me Martha. My love, he says as he bends down to meet me on the floor.
We stared into each other's eyes and his was filled with lust. His face filled with emotions I couldn't explain.
What are you doing? He asked as he brought his palm close to my cheeks to wipe my tears.
What do you mean? I furrowed my brows at him.
Are you-
Martha! I hear Williams call out for me in front of my door and my heart skipped.
Christian I have to go, I whisper trying to lift myself up.
Please can I have my phone back? Please don't do anything silly Christian.
Christian looked at me and I could see anger forming in his eyes.
He threw my phone angrily on the marble floor and I gasped.
He walked up to the stool beside the bed with so much rage and the flower vase on it throwing it on the marble floor sending loud cracking noises all over the place.
At the point, I kept hearing Williams call out my name trying to open the door.
Martha?? Martha! Open the door please.
Tell him to leave you alone before I kill him myself, Christian says with the same rage in his voice as he picked up the alarm clock ready to throw it on the glass window when I shut my eyes tight and closed my ears with my palms, screaming with every strength I had within me.
The last thing I heard was Willams banging on the door and yelling my name one last time before I felt my body tremble with fear and weakness and my eyes closing slowly.

What do you think happens in the next chapter?🥺
How about seeing Williams's POV?😀

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