Baggage Car, 4th March 1942, 11:18pm

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Dan peered at the door that led to the sleeping car. The narrow entrance meant that the hijackers would be able to come through only one at a time, but if he missed—​or even if he hit—​the bullet might carry on to strike an innocent bystander. Shouting came from the baggage car—​two men, in a language Dan didn't recognise.

"You OK, Doc?" Dan said, not taking his eyes off the door.

"A little shaken, but unhurt," came the reply.

"What are we up against back here?"

"Five men in the lounge car, armed with shotguns and rifles. They have about a dozen hostages, so I doubt all of them will come here if they heard the noise. But I am more concerned about the men in the baggage car." He told Dan about the boss and the big man, and the boss's desire for a mysterious object called the Eye of Drov.

"Any idea why the guy wants it?" asked Dan.

Before the Doctor could answer, a gunshot rang out from the baggage car.

Miss Prendergast called, "Doctor Fung, Mr Barrister, get over here now!"

Dan stared at the Doctor, who nodded. The Doctor handed the rifle to Sanford, then he and Dan hurried to the forward end of the car.

"What's going on?" the Doctor asked.

"No idea," Miss Prendergast replied. "I figure this is more your department than mine."

Dan and the Doctor peered around the open door that led to the baggage car. A giant of a man lay slumped in the vestibule. He had to be the one who spoke the secret language that no one was supposed to be able to speak.

In the baggage car itself, a sheet of flickering green light stretched from floor to ceiling, dividing the car into two. On this side of the light, the man whom the Doctor had identified as the boss of the hijackers paced like a caged tiger, kicking aside boxes and suitcases. Sometimes he kicked or punched the light, but it blocked him, as surely as if it was armour plating.

On the other side of the light, a man crouched behind a wooden crate—​possibly the same one Dan had seen being loaded onto the train yesterday evening. Sparks flew from one of the long edges of the crate's top, moving along it like a slow-burning fuse. Only when the sparks turned the corner onto the side of the crate did Dan see that they came directly from the man's hand. He had to stretch over the top of the crate to reach the end, which gave Dan a look at his face.

"That's our missing spy!" he whispered to the Doctor.

"Then for once, I am unsure as to whose side we should intervene on," the Doctor whispered back.

"Let them fight it out, then we'll nab whoever wins."

"That might well be the wisest counsel."

The boss roared at the spy in Mandarin—​something about preparing to meet one's ancestors. The spy ignored him, instead prising the top of the crate open. The boss kicked one of the car's side doors. The sheet of light intersected it, so if he could open it, he might be able to go around the light. The car shook, and wood splintered.

The spy reached inside the crate and lifted a heavy golden band carved with curling symbols, and with an oval-shaped ruby set into it. That had to be the Eye of Drov. He put it on his head with the gem facing forward. He closed his eyes, then made a series of elaborate gestures, reminiscent of an Indian temple dancer, and spoke in a strange, flowing language. The ruby glowed, and the carvings seemed to move.

The boss howled, as if in pain, and pounded his fists on the sheet of light. The spy showed no sign of having heard him, or even being aware of his presence. He fell silent.

Doctor Fung and Dan BarristerWhere stories live. Discover now