New school pt.2

31 10 7


I went to the classroom after collecting my schedule
1st period was maths....
I kinda like it (I am a weirdo)

I went in the class
My first impression with my class was kind of weird all students were looking at me making me feel like an alien... I bowed before them and found an empty seat to sit..

After few minutes girls in the class were  going crazy....I don't know why ?

After that a boy enters the class . Girls were like

Ahhhhhhh... Jiminahhh sit with me and then blahhh...

I got to know why they were shouting...he is the playboy of the school...he was kinda cute ..I admit that

I was disturbed by the shouting so I decided to listen to some songs .........

I was listening then somebody took out my earphones
I looked up it was the boy whom the girls were going crazy for

Hi he said
Hi? I replied
Is there anything I can help you with ?
You are the new girl right, and my new bully
Teacher suddenly enter the class..
He smrinked at me and said will deal with you later


Will update tomorrow

Have a nice day ahead tc💜

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