My Date pt 2

17 7 0

So you are engaged right......

Ohh shit lia you are so dead right now .....ohhh shit

Umm can we order something to eat, I quickly asked him by ignoring his question

Yeah ok , food came and we started to eat

Then I broke the silence between us

Umm jimin are you happy about the marriage?

I will be honest with you I don't wanna marry you but I am doing it for my parents sake and I have a girlfriend too.

What about you? ,he asked me
Oh me I am also doing it for my parents sake you know they are happy about it so ...

Yeah I guess we both have same reasons right ,I said

Umm lia you didn't answered my question yet

You said- jimin can go to restroom,I said while cutting his question

Ohh yeah sure,he said

Ohh lia you got saved ......finally

A/N: Yolo 👀 I am back so please let me know how was it so far

I also wanted a help will you guys tell me which name should I keep for jimins girlfriend?

Lee jinsyuk or Kim joy or min leena

Or you guys suggest a name please !!!!

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