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Foxy shouted, as Chica stopped poking him.

"Ah, Śôrry, I need hèłp în thé kîtchen"
Chica explained, Foxy gave her a brow.

"Błôody hełł! Àsk Bonnie! Or le captain! Not meh!" He shouted once again, pushing Chica out of his cove.


"NÔ BÛTS! Oût!!"
Foxy pushed her out and went back to trying to rest, but Chica wouldn't stop trying to get in.

"GRR.. FINE ILL COME! What is it that so important EH?"
Foxy shouted, As Chica got excited and guided him to the kitchen.

"Wé gonnà bakè pancakes for the twô guards añd thè łîttle girł! Expèçt Î don't know how and I want your hèlp!!"
Chica explained as they entered the kitchen,

Foxy face palmed and, sighed. He stared at the plain table. Then stared at Chica.

"...WELL!? We need pancake mix Ya dumb chicken!" Foxy yelled, Chica panicked and searched the Kitchen. Finding.. nothing for pancakes.

Foxy grew mad because they couldn't just head to the store and buy pancake mix.
There robots just crying out loud!!
So there was only solution.

"WHAT!?" You shouted,
You were in the kitchen with Chica and a grumpy Foxy,

Sean and Vanessa were still sleeping.

Foxy asked you if you could head out and buy stuff to make pancakes.
You would gladly do that but your best friend is injured and you don't plan on leaving Sean and Vanessa all alone with this pathetic version of a fox!

(Forgive me foxy lovers)

"Oh çome ôñ î wôñt łaÿ a hôôk or a pàw on Śeañ or the kîd!"
Foxy shouted back.
Just wanting this to get over with,

Chica was trying to calm you down.
Then a idea popped in your head,


Sean trusts bonnie, he's like.. a fanboy to him!

You nodded, crossing your arms.
He rolled his eyes.
Chica already headed out of the kitchen to search for Bonnie.
Foxy growled and slammed his foot down.
Angry at the fact you could think some bunny could protect him from doing anything, even though he wasn't going to do anything.

"Now, go back to your little cove and I'll get them pancake mix, Kay?" You said with a smile at the end. A smile that could kill. He could feel a shiver down his spine... or um, Endo.

After a while, you told Sean everything when he woke up and headed out, of course you could have just grabbed Vanessa and Sean and head back to your house that you happen to sharing with.

But, due to his leg. You wouldn't know to either go to the hospital or just let the gang take care of him. If you went to the hospital, you would have to tell him how he broke his leg. And due to the large bite. The doctors would want answers.

And it might ruin your job at the Fnaf place..

So, here you were.

At Walmart, searching for Pancake mix.

As things couldn't get worse, you were still questioning yourself back at what happened in the bathroom...

Back at the pizzeria

"Be careful!"
Sean shouted, knowing he was carefree when he was doing stuff dangerous. But a child, doing a piggyback ride with a large rabbit could be.. well.. how could this be dangerous?

Sean questioned himself in thought, but shrugged it off as he watched bonnie pace back and fourth, carrying the child in his back.

Bonnie was trying to be careful, and not trip. But the child wouldn't stop moving.

After a while of watching them walk to each door of the office, Bonnie got tired and placed Vanessa down, got her sad but she was just as tired.

As Vanessa laid down to rest on Sean's lap, she choose the leg that wasn't bitten so it wouldn't hurt Sean.

"Whát árè ÿôu göñnà dô wïth her?" Bonnie questioned as he continued to stare at the sleeping child.

Sean paused for a moment.

What was he going to do with her..
Her parents must be worried sick.
Maybe.. if he took her to the boss, he'll know?

Well, for a guy named William
He'll help..


Sorry if I wasn't posting as much.
I'm having trouble with school-
So I apologize for that.
Also, I'm super duper sorry if it's so short!!

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