Chapter 73🥺

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"No need i won't hurt you......"

Oh i swear to god

You breathed out... reconise that voice anywhere

He let go of you

"Aizawa! Damn you! You scared me!"you said

"Not my fault you leave your door unlocked"

"But that doesn't give you any right to just walk in here!" You said

"Well for me it does now move your butt into the kitchen"

You all of a sudden felt a good smell

Mmm....Tuna... sausages/ Toast!

Question: do you like bacon? I Don't really like it that much

You walked to the door and locked it

You sprinted into the kitchen

Zawa is chilling on aizawas head

How cute!!!

You walked over to him

"Mmm smells good! Since when can you cook?"

"Well i learned it from my mother when i was younger" he explained


"My mother wasn't always around"


"She was working alot"


"My father left out Familie when i was younger. He left me and my mother all alone."


"Without my father supporting us my mom had to work two jobs. She had to leave me alone and couldn't help me with my homework. She was out from morning 5am to 22pm at night. So I thought myself how to make breakfast,lunch and dinner. I can't blame her she just wanted the best for me. But one day it got all to much and she left forever...."


You stayed quite you didn't know something like that happened to him

"One morning i woke up to some loud noices..."

Flashback, aizawas POV

I slowly opened my eyes.

I heard some loud voices from outside

I stod up and walked to the door with my cat plushy

My bedroom door was slightly open

I walked out and saw my mother

She had a two bags with her

She opened the door


She gasped

"S-shota!" She said in surprise

"Where are you going?"

She nealed down to me

"I hope you understand. I can't do this anymore."

"What do you mean mommy? Where are you going?"

"I will be back soon" she said

She left and closed the door behind her

So there i was all alone in the dark

I believed her and went back to bed

I woke up the next morning like always i was exited

Tomorrow my mom doesn't need to work!

We always spend saturdays togeher

I put on my chlothes made food for me and left to my school

I came back home so exited and watched TV

When it got dark i went to bed

Tomorrow will be great!

I woke up and ran out of my room

I knocked on my mothers bedroom

"Moooommmyyy! Mooommmyyy get up!" No anwer

I opened the door...

Everything is empty....

The closet is empty...everything is gone

"M-mama?" I asked

She was no where to be found

I ran to the teleophone and called her nummber

But no one anwered

I didn't know what to do so i put on my shoes and left the house

People looked at me confused

I looked around for my mother she was nowhere go be found

I sat down on a bench

What is going on

"Here there he is" an elder woman said

You looked and there was the police.

They walked over to you

"Hey little guy...where are your parents?"

"My mommy always told me not to talk to stangers"

"We aren't Strangers we are the police. We are here to help you! What is your name?"

"S-shota aizawa...."

"Hello little shota where are your parents?"

"i Don't have a father and my mommy just dissapered"

They looked at eachother in concern

After that they took me with them to the police station

They tried to find my mother but no luck

They had to give me up for adoption

I was always so alone

I was that one kid sitting on the bed the whole time while the others are playing

I was hoping that my mother would come back for me and just take me with her

"No! My mommy will come back for me!"


" i am not going with that Familie!"

I didn't want to....

I wanted my mother back....

But she never came back for me.....

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