Chapter 9: Heart to heart

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Tom's not around…again. I missed his presence, his scent, his everything. He gave me the keys to his penthouse for safe keeping. Sometimes, I would spend a night there when I needed to feel him (Ok, not sometimes… Quite often). Can't blame me. Due to timezone differences and his workloads, we seldom catch up.  Sink myself into his bed and fluffy comforter, and inhale the cologne from the linens. *Ringtone*

-Darcy calling-


"Iris, are you at Tom's again?"

"Umm, ya….. Anything?"

"Babe, you need to get out of there… You're getting pathetic. Come on… we go out tonight. Jules and Kaleen will be coming along. I called Ryan too. We need to get you out of that den…"

"I need some time alone Dars…"

"Woman! Please… for friends sake. We are all worried about you…"

Knowing how persistent Darcy can be, I drag myself out of Tom's bed and head back to my apartment for a change.


The music is boooming through my ear drums. I am never used to clubbing and loud music. They just don't make sense. Everyone have to hurdle together and whisper talk real close. Call me OCD, I do not like other people's mouth so close proximity to my face (except for Tom of course). Darcy, Jules and Kaleen were off to the dancefloor like hounds hunting for their victims. Next to me sits Ryan, my best friend turned stranger. We hadn't been talking to each other for almost 3 months now. I wonder why he agreed to come. Plucking out all my courage, I turn to him and say, "Hey. How are you?"

While taking a sip into his beer, he shrugs, "I'm fine… How about you? I see you've become famous eh?"

"No, I am not the famous one… I was forced to the spotlight."

"I heard he wasn't around lately?" he looks at me concern.

"Yea, he is in Toronto for filming. 2-3 more months to go…." I sigh.

"You don't look happy, Iris. Hasn't he called?"

I can feel my tears building up from how much I missed Tom. I shake my head, "Not for the past 2 weeks"

Before I knew it, I was sobbing into Ryan's shoulder… He is kind enough to lend it to me. For once, I feel like I gained my best friend back. Ryan puts his arms around me and tries to calm me down.

"Chill Iris… shhh….. Maybe he has some obligations to tend to…? Don't cry now… shhhh" he cooed…

I must've caused a scene because Ryan pulls me up and went, "We better get you outside."

He drags me slowly to the small park opposite the club and sat me down on the bench…

"It's alright, Iris… I'm here… Cry it all out…"

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