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Beverages of all sorts spilled carelessly onto the stone floor as those with tankards slumped and swayed as if trapped in the rhythm of their own drunken stupors.

The air let off a pungent stench of alcohol and sweat, deterring many from entering the tavern.

"I suppose you boys won't ease up on the drinking, aye? It's still mornin', after all," a rather short but burly man remarked as he approached a group of intoxicated patrons.

"Of course not, Barret. This is a celebration!" one of the men slurred, earning cheers of agreement from his companions.

As if to reinforce this statement, the barbaric cries of joy and out-of-tune singing grew louder.

"By the way," another customer gained Barret's attention, "I heard that girl you hired quit. That true?"

"Unfortunately, yes," he answered, evidently disheartened.

"Too bad, she made quite good company."

The tavern owner simply nodded his head in defeat, before gazing at the merriment outside.

"Indeed, she did," Barret agreed, stroking his stubble with a gentle smile.

In the streets, a multitude of people gathered around stalls, exchanging delighted chatter with their companions as they basked in the festivities around them.

Excited conversations could be heard all around.

"I can't believe it! The Second one has been found!"

"I heard he awakened during the sword tournament not too long ago."

"Did you hear? The Second summoned a different sword outta nowhere and slashed through the attack!"

"Bah! What's all this talk about cutting magic? With a sword? Blasphemy!" an elderly person would often bark out. "Powers like that are impossible, even for a man who is one of the three!"

"Does anyone actually know his name?"

"He didn't say, but there's a rumour that he actually named his blade! Weird fellow, isn't he? I'm fairly certain he called it Exc-"

Many discussions were drowned out as children charged down the road, barefoot and uncaring while a symphony of laughter sprung forth from their lips and carried on the wind like a gentle, soothing melody.

As the townspeople relished in the joyous atmosphere, somewhere in an abandoned alleyway, a young woman sat on the ground, cursing her luck as she devoured her apple.

The woman's eyes pulsed with a deep gold and green hue in irritation, akin to an emerald flower blooming from the pupil on a bed of dead grass.

The woman sighed as she finished the remainder of her food and got to her feet.

"Why'd he have to awaken here, of all places? Have to move towns now, damn it," she grumbled as she began walking out of the alley.

Despite the presence the blazing rays of the noon sun, swiftly and with a resigned sigh, the strange lady seamlessly melted into the shadows, out of sight to all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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