Truths and War

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Nathan's Pov ...... 

Songs For This Chapter are : Adele Hometown Glory 

" Then what the fuck can you do I'm fading fast " I spit into the phone and hear Sheila sigh

" Nathan there is no spell for a werewolf's bite it is fate-full and will kill you I'm sorry I wish I could help but I can not " My heart sinks further as I process her words 

" What about my sisters and brothers will they die as well you know with the whole if one die we all die shit " I ask and hear nothing " Hello " I ask impatient 

" No " She simply answers 

" What but you said ?.. " I begin but she cuts me off 

" I know what I said you need to listen very carefully to what I am about to tell you " Sheila says and I say 

" Okay " she has my attention 

" When your mother was very young not long after she got married to your father there was a war in your hometown a young girl of age 18 had fallen pregnant with a baby she had with one of the soldiers it was forbidden and so she dumped the baby on the Greyson doorstep where they took you in and raised you as there own until they got old and died and then you was turned and turned all your siblings you aren't a Bloodline Nathan they are you stand alone from them " I cant speak 

" But what why " I manage " So they aren't my brothers and sisters ? " I ask and groan as pain shoots through me 

" Yes of course they are you was raised up with them and the parents that took you in but I just wanted you to know the truth " Sheila speaks and I cough blood into my hands 

" Thank you for telling me " I say staring into space 

" You're welcome I'm very sorry I can't save you " Sheila says and I hang up 

I think about my parents and my siblings before we transitioned into Vampires and the happy young life we had they raised me well and in a way I'm glad we aren't a Bloodline cause they will live when I die. I have tried everything and called everyone witch or in the know and they say the same thing the bite it fate-full I'm gonna die. 

I look around at this hotel room and exit it and pick up my phone.

" Nathan where have you been Mandy is freaking out " Roza asks concerned over the phone as I walk the streets of Italy 

" Why is she OK ? " I ask straight away 

" Yeah she is why ? " Roza asks me 

And I tell her to put me on speaker phone and tell them the whole story about the bite and my biological parents.

" Come here now " Mandy snaps and ends the call 

I hover around outside the restaurant before pushing open the door my sisters and Mandy fuss around me " I'm fine " I snap 

" No No you are not fine " Mandy says pulling my sleeve up and the bite is now covering most of my arm 

" There has to be something a spell or " Mandy begins wiping tears from under her eyes 

" There isn't " I reply and she throws a chair causing it to break 

" Hey " Kent says and she walks to him " Oh fuck off HE IS GONNA DIE " she screams and then bursts into sobs 

" Not before I have killed Liam " I reply taking out the one and only weapon know to kill a Hybrid Vampire Dog Wolf whatever the fuck he is 

" The White Oak Stake " Kent says taking the object from Nathans hand 

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